Ch5- Winner is... Drill p2

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A bunch of machines walk move across the desert towards the wall. You see a bunch of earthbenders struggling against the machine.

You walk back to the Gaang and see Aang also coming back for the same reason. The family starts panicking about how they arent safe.

"Hey, civilians you cant be here!" A gaurd says.

"I'm the avatar." Aang says. "Take me to whoever is in charge."

"It is my pleasure, young avatar but your help is not needed."

He is kinds confused. "Not needed?" Aang asks.

"Not needed." The man confirms. "I have the situation under control. The drill cannot penetrate this wall. To stop it, I've sent an elite earthbending team. The terra team."

"Thats catchy." Sokka says. "I've been calling us the Gaang in my head." You say. "Thats a great name!"

You watch as the earthbenders fail to hold the drills off. Some girls come out and completely destroy the team.

"WE'RE DOOMED!" He exclaims. Sokka slaps him. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" He yells. You also slap the general. "YEAH YOU'RE BEING HYSTERICAL!" You yell.

"Whats the plan." Aang asks. Everyone looks expectingly at Sokka. The Gaang goes to heal the earthbenders while you continue to watch the soldiers. Sokka comes out and tells you the plan. "We are gonna go inside it and destroy it."

"Once I whip up some cover, you wont be able to see, so stick close to me." Toph says. "RUN." You and everyone else run next to Toph.

She bends a hole into the ground and Sokka, being Sokka, complains. "Its so dark down here, I cant see a thing!"

"Oh no, what a nightmare!" Toph says sarcastically. After a few seconds of walking. A hole opens up beneath the drill.

"There!" Sokka says. Aang helps everyone but Toph decides to stay. You guys reach the inside. Sokka breaks pipes and an engineer comes to fix it. "It looks like the drill is made of two main structures, the inner mechanism, which is where we are now, and the outer shell. The inner part and the outer part are connected by these braces. If cut through them, the entire thing will collapse."

You walk around the drill until you make it to the outer shell. "Wow, its much bigger in person, we are gonna have to work much harder to cut through it."

Katara crosses her arms. "Whats this we stuff? Akaza, Aang and I are gonna be doing the work, not you."

"Look, I'm the plan guy, you guys are the cut stuff up with bending guys. Together we're team avatar, or the Gaang, whichever one you use works." He says half-jokingly.

Katara and Aang cut through the metal brace. You are at a different one. You have to punch it out. You sigh. "This is gonna hurt."

A few minutes later, you have thrown hundreds of punches and they have almost cut through it. Everyone is tired. "Cmon team, dont quit now, we'r-." Katara threatens him with water.

"I mean, you're almost there." He corrects himself. A little later and you cut through yours.

"At this rate, we'll never destroy it before we reach the wall." Katara says. "I dont know how many more I have in me." Aang says.

"I'd say I have about two more." You say. Suddenly the entire thing creaks. "Ya hear that? We took it down. We'd better get out of here fast." Everyone dashes for the exit and you hear over the coms. "Congratulations crew, the drill has made contact with Ba Sing Se."

Sokka is trying to push the brace. "Maybe we dont need to cut all the way through. Toph has been teaching me not to put 100% of your energy into one strike. Sokka, take a fighting stance."

Sokka gets completely humiliated as Aang uses him as a demonstration. "You've gotta be quick and accurate, and break your opponents stance, and when he's reeling back, you deal the final blow. His own weight becomes his downfall. Literally!"

"So we just need to weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through." Katara says catching on.

"Then I'll go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow." Aang finishes.

"And boom, it all comes crashing down." Sokka adds on. "Everyone inside that wall, the whole world, is counting on us." Aang says dramatically.

"The whole world minus the fire nation, that is." Sokka corrects.

Everyone (except Sokka) weakens the braces. Suddenly, blue fire comes at Aangs head. "Wow Azula, you were right, it is the avatar, and friends." Acro girl says adding emphasis on friends while looking at Sokka.

You go back to fight Azula and the others. "Disorder!" You yell as you punch the air over and over again. In a small space like this, it would be extremely effective. Azula tries to firebend it away but doesnt succeed. You grab the walls and use brute force to close it off.

You catch up to Sokka and Katara and you hear Azula saying "You two go after pale boy and friends, I have the avatar." She must've melted the wall. Sokka has just managed to open a pipeline. Just as you hop in, you turn to look at her friends. Big mistake. Two kunai go directly into your eye. The other hits your neck. "Ow!" You say. "What the heck?"

You manage to get out of the drill and Katara bends the sludge water back into the hole. "Ha that reminds me of last night." You say.

Katara rolls her eyes at that joke and Sokka laughs and high fives you. "Good job Katara, doing that will build pressure until it pops!"

"Even more like me." You add. "Good technique little sister, keep it up." Sokka says annoyingly.

"Y'know I am sick and tired and tired of you telling me what to do all day. You're like a chattering hog-monkey!" Katara says. You can understand why she is angry.

"Just bend the slurry woman!" Sokka yells angrily. Instead she bends the slurry on you and Sokka.

"You guys need some help?" You hear a familiar voice ask. "Toph help me plug up this drain!" She earthbends the sludge water back into the trains butthole (sorry, exit point)

You jump on the train to see Aang running down the wall and landing on a rock, destroying the drill. "Here it comes." Toph says.

The sludge juice comes spilling out. "It really was like me." This time Toph laughs. You guys walk into the city, discussing names.

That was really hard. I might wait a few days, maybe one. But expect this one to have the most updates. I plan on making a chapter with at least 1k words per episode. And then maybe ill make a LoK sequel. I liked LoK but I didnt like Sokka and Aang died. See ya soon.

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