2 | The Walker Family

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Kenziah  POV.

The door of my cabin opened with a loud bang. Reveling a very angry Kayle. My elder brother.

He was in his office clothes, with neat hair, furrowed eyebrows  while his brown eyes were covered with perfectly round framed glasses making him look more handsome.

My brother was a really handsome guy, but...

He was looking angry and was staring at me very angrily.

Ohh!! So he found out. I should have told him on my own.

He came towards me and sat on the chair across the table. His eyes were not leaving mine.

"Hey bubu!! you didn't inform me of your arrival." I said trying to be cheerful and welcoming.

But in reality I was neither cheerful nor welcoming. God, I am not ready to face him yet.  What should , I tell him that I said yes because I didn't find my so-called first love, Couldn't find the boy who saved me that day?

How do I tell him? What should I tell him?

For one thing, I was so confused and my elder brother was staring at me angrily

"Will you stop staring?"I said annoyed by his constant staring.

But he didn't look away, he was still staring at me.

God, why was he like this?

"Bubu?" I said in a low voice.

"Don't bubu me, Kenziah." He said

God, finally. But wait did he said Kenziah?

Oh no no. Not a good sign. He was really angry. No problem, I have to muster up the courage to talk to him or else he will stare at me all day long.

"What happened ?" I dare to ask.

"What happened? You're asking what happened? Really Ken?" he said throwing his hand up and I lowered my eyes "You said yes to marriage without asking me, without telling me and you are asking what happened?"

"What made you say yes to the relationship Mrs. Walker brought, without even telling me?" he said banging his fist on the table and I kept quiet.

Because the fault was mine. I should have told him. But I said yes because I had full faith in my mamma. She'll only think good for me, won't she?

"Say something!" I kept my eyes down shutting them tightly.

"Now what is the use of keeping quiet. When you should not have spoken even a word then you came by saying yes, and now you are silent" He snapped, "Damn ken say something. "

"What should I say, bubu?"

"Really?" he said in an unbelievable tone.

"Look bro, if not today then tomorrow I have to get married, isn't it? Then why not today itself, and if it is mummas choice, then it must be good. Don't worry." I tried convincing him

"You know, it's Mrs. Walker's choice, that's why I am more worried and anyway, you're not that old, what's the need to get married so soon, kiddo?" he said and I sighed

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