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The time reads 6:34am. You get up and head over to the kitchen and grab a pop-tart out of the cabinet. After heating it up you bring it to your room and start eating whilst you pick an out fit for the day.

"Y/N!! You better start getting ready we leave in 30!!" You hear Jonathan shout from the kitchen.
"Dont worry I am!" You shout back.
You get an outfit and put on some mascara and decide on a nice perfume for your first day back. You get your bag and grab the little dnd character you kept that Mike Dustin and Lucas had given to you before you left 3 years back.

You shove it in your pocket and start heading for the door.
"Excited to see everyone again guys?" Jonathan asks you and Will.
"Of course I am! I still have my little dnd character I hope everyone remembers about this." Says Will.
"Me to! I also have mine, I bet they'll remember. Are you excited to see Nancy again?" You say.
"Very! This is gonna be a great school year."
Jonathan says with a big smile on his face.

20 minutes later and we have arrived to Hawkins Highschool. Me and Will jump out and wave bye to Jonathan.
"I wonder if the school has had any drastic changes..." You say looking around admiring the scenery.
"I wouldn't be surprised, it has been 3 years." Will replies.

You walk in and head up to the front desk.
"Excuse me Will and I are new here and we need our timetables please." You say to the old tired looking woman slouching over the desk.
"Here you are kids. Have a great day." She says in the most mediocre and tired voice you've ever heard.
"Where's your first class?" Will asks looking over his timetable.
"Lemme see... Aha, math is first ugh." You replied.
"Ugh same, atleast we have our first class together." Will say folding his timetable and putting it in his pocket.

You each get to math and the teacher assigns your seats for the year and you both sit down. You scan over the whole class looking at everything, you can't wait for lunch because you'll get to see all your old friends. About an hour goes by and the bell rings. The class pours out and you head up to Will once again.
"Oh my gosh, it's Dustin y/n, look!" Will says excitedly as he's waving over to Dustin. You both run up to him and he gives you both a tight hug.

"You guys!!! Ive missed you both so much!! Goodness youve both changed, it's so awesome to see you guys again!" Dustin said with the brightest smile on his face. Gosh I missed that smile, it never gets old.
"DUSTIN! Me and Will still have our figures, PEASEEE Tell me you remember this!!" You say as both you and will pull out your little silver figureines.
"Huh? Im sorry I have no idea what your talking about y/n, I'm confused." Dustin said with a blank face. There was a moment of silence and neither you or will knew what to say.
"OH MY GOSH YOU FUCKING IDIOTS OF COURSE I REMEMBER!!!" Dustin exclaimed and you and will both sighed with relief and started laughing.

You all go to your according classes and finally its lunch time. You speed walk over to the cafeteria and get in line for food. Somebody bumps you from behind and you turn to see Steve Harrington.
"Oh my goodness Steve!? Wow your hair has... Voluminously changed again" you said laughing.
"I guess you could say that, it's been so long! I'm glad your back y/n, it's good to see you" Steve said with a smile.
"Good to see you to Steve HAIRington." You said as you both laughed and moved along the line.

Once you got your food you started looking around for Dustin Mike and Lucas and you found them at a table but Lucas was absent.
"y/n! Oh my gosh it's so awesome to see you!!!" Mike said and rushed up to hug you.
"Oh my gosh mike ive missed you so much! Goodness you got so tall" you said squeezing him tightly.
"Let me introduce you my table. We are the hellfire club. We play dnd all the time. This is Eddie, he's the dungeon master of our club. Eddie, this is y/n, she used to come here and moved back." Mike said letting you sit next to him.
"Pleased to meet you!" You said holding your hand out to Eddie to shake his hand.
"Pleased to meet you as well y/n!" He said as he held your hand up to his face and kissed it. You were very flattered by his mannerisms, and took a seat next to him.
"Where's Will?" Asked Mike looking around the cafeteria.
"The lunch ladies had to fill up on some of the food but he's coming here now." You replied as Will got there and hugged while Mike introduced him to Eddie.
"So what class do you have after this y/n? I could walk with you if you like. Maybe Will could come so we could chat a little bit!" Eddie asked rubbing the back of his neck.
"I have history, you y/n?" Will replied looking at you.
"Oh man I have science. Eddie?" You said in a disappointed tone.
"I have science as well, we could walk together if you'd like." Eddie said with a smile on his face.
"Yes I would like that." You said smiling.

Lunch ended and you and Eddie began walking to your class.
"So how it like being back in Hawkins?" Eddie asked making eye contact with you.
"It's amazing! I've always wanted to move back and finally my moms work brought us back here, I hope we never move away."

School ended and Eddie began walking you out of school.
"So Will was telling me at lunch you both know how to play dnd, I was thinking maybe you could come to our game tonight?" Eddie asked nervously while making eye contact with you.
"Oh yea! I forgot about hellfire, I'd love to come tonight! I might even join the club, if that's okay with you." You replied smiling, not breaking eye contact with Eddie.
"Great. Be at the school by 6, I'll be there to show you where our room is." Eddie said now walking to his van.
"Need a ride home m'lady?" Eddie said holding his hand out.
"Nope, I've already got a ride. I'll see you at 6 handsome." You said with a smile. You noticed Eddie get a little red before turning away and walk into his van.
You got to Jonathan's car and saw Will already inside.

Always Forever ~ (Eddie Munson X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now