Rink O'Mania.

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~ BIG time skip ~

You woke up to your alarm, and turned it off. Today the new Rink O'Mania had opened and the hellfire club was going. You picked out a comfortable outfit and made some breakfast.
"Morning y/n, I bet your gonna bust your ass at the rink today, this'll be hilarious!" Will said while sipping on some orange juice.
"HAH You wish dingus. I'm practically a roller skating master!" You said while imitating being on roller skates.
"Sureee" will said with a grin.
"Alright guys let's go I have work early I can't be late today." Jonathan said while adjusting a tie. You all got in the car and got school.
"See you at lunch will!" You said while waving.
"Yep you to!" Will said back. You were walking down the hall and someone suddenly covered your eyes. There were cold rings pressing up against your temples, you knew excactly who it was.
"Guess who?" Eddie said giggling.
"Oh boy I wonder who it could be" you said lightly elbowing his stomach.
"Excited for the roller rink today y/n?" Asked Eddie after removing his hands.
"Of course! I've never actually roller skated, so I kinda lied when I told will I was a roller skating master.. he he." You said scratching the side of your mouth.
"Me neither, this will be fun won't it." Eddie said looking down at you.
"It will." You replied.

~ skip to lunch time ~

Finally it came lunch time, and you happily walked to the cafeteria. You found the hellfire table and ended up sitting next to Eddie because there were no other open seats.
"Who's ready to fall on their ass today huh?" Eddie said holding his hands out looking at everyone. A couple people replied saying yes and we all laughed a bit. Everyone else was talking and Eddie looked at you and said "me and you should ditch today, I know a spot we could hang out at!" You looked up at him and squinted your eyes a bit saying "Are you asking me out Eddie?"
"Uh what- I uh.. umm kind of? I mean not really if you don't wa-"
"Eddie it's fine! I was just teasing, I'd love to. My classes are all boring as hell today anyways." Eddie was flustered and he was holding his hands on his cheeks attempting to hide that he was blushing, he wasn't very slick. Suddenly Eddie grabbed your hand and he started running outside to his van. You shrieked quitely in excitement, this was the first time you ever skipped school.

Eddie and you both hopped in his van and started driving.
"Eddie, you are going to be the death of me I swear." You said staring at him.
"Atleast I'll be with you when you die!" He said poking your side laughing.
"Where excactly are you even taking me?" You asked looking outside.
"You'll have to wait and see." Eddie said with an evil grin on his face.

About 15 minutes passed and he stopped on the side of the road. It was a wooded area and no buildings or anything were in sight.
"This place looks fun" you said sarcasticly looking around.
"This isn't the spot you idiot, there's a trail here that takes us to the spot." Eddie said holding out his hand.
"Shall we?" He said and you took his hand. He began leading you into the woods and shortly there was a trail he began to follow. After about 10 minutes of walking and talking, you reached this rock spot that looked like a skull.
"Aha is this skull rock? I've heard about it before." You said sitting under the boulders.
"Mhm" he said twisting his rings around his fingers.
"Is somebody nervous?" You said looking him in the eye.
"Well, I actually came here to ask you something... And I guess it makes me A LITTLE nervous." Eddie said looking back at you.
"Well then ask away mr.shy guy." You said smirking slightly.
"Well, we've really been hitting it off and your a really great person, so I was wondering... I'm going on this trip to a beach in Michigan, I was gonna go with my uncle Wayne but his work just layed off someone and he has to cover for them. I already bought our tickets and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come with?" Eddie asked his pitch getting higher at the end of his sentence.
"Really!?" You asked enthusiasticly.
"It's fine if you don't want to-"
"Yes yes yes!! I'd love to Eddie! I've never been to a beach before! Oh my gosh yes!!! When are you going?" You asked bouncing up and down in excitement.
"Wait really!? I uh I'm going this weekend actually, sorry for asking on such short notice." Eddie said scratching his neck with a big smile on his face. You ran up to Eddie and hugged him tightly.
"Sir Eddie, I don't mind the short notice, I would love to partake in this trip with you " you said in a British accent while puffing up your chest.
"Why thank you, m'lady." Eddie said holding out his hand. You gave him your hand and he kissed it. You guys stayed at skull rock for a little while longer talking about all the things you guys could do on the trip. After a while you headed back to Eddie's van and he began to drive away.

~ skip to rink O'Mania ~

You all met up at the rink. Everyone had matching shirts, it was so cool.
"Hello we would all like some roller skates please." Eddie said handing the clerk enough money for all of us to skate. Everyone told the man their shoe size and we all put our skates on. Soon enough we were all on the floor some people falling others skating. You and Eddie were with eachother holding shoulders trying not to fall on your asses.
"BALANCE EDDIE!!!" You yelled playfully gripping onto his shoulder.
"I would if I knew how to do this shit!!" Eddie said back wiggling his legs trying not to fall. After about thirty minutes of falling and trying again, you and Eddie both got the hang of it and started skating normally together.
"Everyone's getting food, wanna join them? I'm starving." You said gesturing to everybody in line.
"Hell yea let's go! I'm craving a milkshake right now." You both headed up to the counter. Eddie was in front of you, and he ordered a chocolate milk shake.
"Next" the clerk said in a tired voice.
"One chocolate milkshake please!" You said opening your wallet.
"That'll be 5.99 ma'am." The clerk said typing something into his computer.
"Oh dammit sorry I'm 3 bucks short, thank you tho!" You said closing your wallet and heading over to where Eddie was sitting.
"Where's your milkshake darling?" Eddie asked taking a sip from his.
"Didn't have enough cash on me. It's fine I'll live" you said resting your head on your hands.
"I would have paid for you, but since your already here, would you like to share?" Eddie asked scooting his milkshake towards you.
"Are you sure?" You asked raising one brow.
"Positive." He said as he went to go grab another straw.
"My dear" he said handing you the straw.
"What a gentleman you are." You said smirking while take the wrapper off of your straw. You both started drinking at the same time making eye contact. Eddie winked at you and you start giggling. You matched his energy and raised your eyebrows at him a couple times. A few hours passed and everyone started heading home.

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