Back to school.

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The time read 6:30a.m.
"Eddie... Wake up we have school in 30" you said sleeping gently shaking Eddie.
"Noo I don't wanna" he said hiding under the blanket.
"C'mon you baby I'll make us some nice breakfast" I said trying to convince him to get up.
"mmm fine then" he said turning to you and gave you a slow kiss on the lips.
Eddie got out of bed and followed you to the kitchen. You had gotten very used to use crutches by now, it wasnt a big problem anymore.
"Morning guys" Jonathan said drinking some coffee.
"Morning, will not up yet?" I asked getting out some pancake mix.
"Nope, what did you expect" Jonathan said chuckling a little bit and you chuckled aswell.
Jonathan and Eddie started talking about some random stuff and will eventually got up and started to get ready.
You Eddie and Will ate some pancakes you had made, Jonathan just had coffee and a bagel.
"Will be ready at 7 k" you said heading to your room.
"got it" he said and shut his door.
It was a slow morning, but it was peaceful. You and Eddie changed, you were going to match today so you both had your hellfire t-shirts and some denim on. He let you borrow a couple rings that fit. You put on some mascara, and did a small smokey eye. You finished it off with a lip tint and you fixed your hair.
"Ready handsome?" You asked slipping on your combats.
"Yup, you look amazing by the way" Eddie replied winking.
"As do you" you said with a smirk and you got Will headed to Eddie's van. He was driving you guys to school today.
You guys got to school and Will headed inside while you and Eddie trailed behind. You two were holding hands, and people were being assholes and whispering things of course, you couldn't give less fucks than you already did, zero. You both got to your according classes, today wasn't half bad. That is until lunch came around.
You headed into the cafeteria, Eddie was already at his table eating, you were in line getting food.
"Hey gorgeous" you heard an unfimiliar voice say behind you.
"I'm sorry?" You said and turned around to see Jason.
"Don't call me that." You said turning back around.
" Yikes someone's fiesty" he said and he set a hand against your waist. You instantly turned around and slapped his hand away.
"Jason, I do not want any problems. I'm not interested, and I have a boyfriend. Please leave me alone." You said trying to keep peace but also set boundaries.
"Fucking bitch" you heard him say under his breath as he walked away. You were a little shaken up by the experience, but you didnt want to let it bother you.
You got to where Eddie was sitting and you sat down next to him. He could always tell when something was wrong, it was so weird. But he always knew how to help aswell.
"Is everything alright sweetheart?" Eddie said setting his hand on yours.
"Don't worry im fine, I'll talk to you after school." You said giving him a reassuring smile. Lunch ended and you went to science. You all had lab partners and guess who yours was... Jason.
"So doll, what happened to your leg?" Jason said smirking at you.
"Don't call me that, I was bitten by an animal" you said not looking up at him.
"Well, I don't think being with a freak would help with your leg, or anything for that matter. Why don't you come to my place after school?" Jason said trying to get a better look at your face.
"Do not call Eddie a freak, and for the last time, I am not interested. Can we just be friends?" You said. You and Jason had actually been pretty good friends when you were younger, but you grew apart as he entered his jock era.
"Well fine then. Don't come crawling to me when Eddie goes batshit and tries to sacrifice you or something.
Now that hit a nerve.
You instantly turned around to face him and slapped him right across the face. His face got very red and everyone turned around.
"Don't talk to me Jason. Do your work and stay out of my love life." You said firmly. Right after you finished that sentence the teacher walked in, nobody said anything and Jason finally shut up. I think he got the message. You said in your mind as you listened to the teacher.
The bell rang and you went to all your other classes, finally the day was done. You headed to the entrance of school and waited for Eddie. Will came and told you they were all going to Dustin's house that day, so he was gonna walk with them.
"Sorry I'm late sweetheart" you heard Eddie say as he snaked his arms around your waist and hugged you.
"Took you long enough" you said giggling a little and you both started walking to Eddies van.
"Wanna talk about it now?" He said as he turned on the engine to the van. You then started to explain how Jason harassed you, and what happened in science. You could tell this absolutely pissed him off , as he had been resting his hand on your thigh and he gripped it tighter anytime you mentioned Jason's name.
"Well I think it's safe to say that fucking asshole got what he deserved." Eddie said as he turned to you and he smiled at you.
"Yea, you should've seen his face tho, I've never seen him that red before" you said as you laughed to yourself a little bit. Eddie laughed with you and he pulled up to the mall.
"How about we go get some food from the food court? Maybe get some ice cream after... Watch movie. A little date!" Eddie said happily and you agreed without hesitation. You two walked in and just got to scoops ahoy.
"Ahoy what can I get for you guys" Steve said in the most depressed voice ever.
"Someone's happy to work here" you said and laughed a bit. You and Eddie got your ice cream and you tipped Steve, of course he was happier after some extra money.
"Okay we got three options, the shining, a gross rom com, and back to the future" you said as you both looked up at the posters.
"Well the shining is the only one I havent seen... You?" Eddie replied looking at you.
"Same here! Les go" you said and you both got tickets and headed inside.

~ Eddie's POV: ~
Me and y/n headed into the theater and started to eat a little bit of the popcorn we had bought. The movie was beginning and so far it wasnt to bad, eerie but there we'rent any jump scares yet. About 30 minutes into the movie the first jump scare came, y/n had a really fucking weird way of reacting, I could see the fear in her eyes but she just stood there. I flinched and grabbed her hand but she just stood, it was kinda funny.

~ Back to your POV: ~
The first jump scare happened, and I was simply frozen in fear. Eddie flinched and grabbed my hand, but my weird habit continued and I just sat in fear and watched. I could see Eddie in the corner of my eye looking at me with the most confused look ever, it was pretty funny but the movie was distracting me.
Eventually the movie ended and you two headed out of the theatre.
"Okay so am I dating a physcopath or what happened to you during the jump scares?!" Eddie said laughing and making a concerned face at you.
" I was legitimately just frozen with fear, I'm not a psychopath or anything I promise." You said laughing with Eddie.
You both shopped for a little bit and got a couple things. You and Eddie split up for a little bit, he went to go get something and you went to get some lady products. You met back up and started heading to Eddie's van.
"My place, princess?" He asked placing a hand on your thigh. His touch always did something to you, it was amazing.
"Absolutely my love" you replied smiling at him. Eddie brought out the best in you, you always hated your smile so you made a new one, but Eddie always brought back the original. He made you feel beautiful, and you always felt so safe around him.
He drove to his trailer and you both walked in. His uncle was sitting on the couches watching some TV. You smiled and waved at Wayne, you then noticed he looked at Eddie and raised his eyebrows, teasing Eddie. You looked to Eddie and he was slightly red, probably a little embarrassed. He was adorable when he was embarrassed.

Always Forever ~ (Eddie Munson X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now