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Jenna McCartney

"Do I really have to go?" I pouted.

Jake told me that he was going to have a sleepover in Jason's house and then he's trying to drag me into coming with him.

"Yes." Jake replied. "Dad's out of town this weekend and I can't leave you here."

"Yeah but does it really have to be with Jason? I could just sleep in another friend's house, you know..."

"Mhm?" He raised his eyebrow. "Name a friend you're comfortable staying a night or two with."

I froze, thinking of the possibilities.

Dani's okay, but then I'll have to deal with Erika and her family is always around so I might just be in the way. Katie and her family are going out of town this weekend so that's out of the table. Kyle says that his sister's probably throwing another party, and I don't think Phil and his family are okay with me staying the night.

"Nothing?" Jake asked again.

"Okay you win!" I groaned.

I walked towards my closet, picking out a couple of clothes.

"I know you have your issues with Gray. But I think you two just need to get to know each other more." He said before grabbing the doorknob. "I'll be waiting downstairs for 'ya."

I didn't say anything as I heard the door closing. I grabbed my duffel bag and stuffed the clothes inside, also taking the other essentials I need.

I'd bring my laptop, but knowing myself I'm just going to end up playing Star Walkers the entire time and it's going to be unhealthy so I'll take off the game just for a night.

Hopefully CG will understand...

I tied my hair into a bun because it would just be weird to storm in bedheaded.

I usually don't care, but also I don't want anybody assuming that Jake just dragged me out of the house.

Well, it's true that he dragged me out of the house, but c'mon.

I care about my brother.

"Okay Jake I'm ready." I mumbled.

"You're really going to come to their house like that?" He raised his eyebrow in confusion.

I glanced down at myself. I was wearing the white hoodie Jake gave me and a pair of gray sweatpants. "Yeah and? At least I'm not wearing any revealing outfits."

"Yeah but now you look like a potato." Jake teased.

"And?" I teased back, clearly trying to annoy him. "Potatoes are good."

He just shook his head. "You're silly. But c'mon now. We're riding our bikes to their house."

We made our way to the garage, getting on our bikes, and setting off on the road.

Jake can drive I don't understand why we have to ride our bikes.

But I also don't want to argue so let's just go with it.

I don't know where the Sanders live so I just follow Jake's lead, constantly reminding him to slow down because I can't keep up with his fast pedaling.

"Pick up the speed would 'ya?" Jake huffed. "You'll end up sleeping in the streets if you don't."

"It's not my fault I have tiny legs!" I sighed, pedaling faster.

After a few more minutes of cycling, we finally made it to a white-colored house. We got off our bikes and went inside. Surprisingly, they have the gates unlocked. They really adopted Jake into the family now huh?

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