Forty-Seven (Part One)

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Jenna McCartney


"Hai?" I shouted, loud enough for my uncle to hear me.

I placed my folded blanket on top of my futon and left the room, going to wherever Jiro was.

I found him in the kitchen preparing some breakfast, "Can you drop by the store to buy some more natto?"

Natto. Well, putting it into the simplest words ever, it's basically fermented soybeans. Really good though, I'd eat that anytime and never get tired of it.

I nodded my head, "Is anybody coming though?"

"Hai. It's uh, who was that? Those friends of yours that came here from the States?" He asked, unconsciously swinging a chopstick like it was a wand.

"Eh? The Sanders?" I tilted my head.

"Hai." Jiro nodded, "Your dad invited them here for breakfast then after that, me, Hana, your dad, and your friend's parents will head into the city."

"Ah, wakata." I nodded, "Ja, I'll head off."

I took the money from Jiro, grabbed my coat, slipped on my boots, and left the house. On my way to the market.

The sky looked gloomy this morning, but it wasn't because it was gonna rain.

It's always like this every sunrise.

I like it though, it feels so calming...

At least for the most part.

I had already made my way out of our street and there was already a bunch of yelling from one of the houses.

What the heck is going on?

"Says the guy who walks like a drunk pig!" Yelled a familiar American accent.

I sighed, "He's going to bug the neighbors at this point..."

I made it further ahead and the last thing I heard was just a mockingly, inaudible yell.

Is that what they get up to everyday? It'd make sense though.

Mitsuki's even worse.

She has this inflatable hammer toy and hits people with it at the randomest times ever...

Even her parents get affected by this.

Jiro didn't seem to mind because he always said that Mitsuki reminded him of his sister.

"Reincarnation of Jasmin." As he said.

I went to the store, bought the natto he was asking me to buy and made my way back home.

I helped him and my aunt, Hana clean the house and prepare the table.

After that I went down the hall to look at the pictures mom had with her old friends since I had nothing better to do.

"Hmmm..." I hummed as I examined each picture.

There was one with mom and four of her friends, the one I saw a couple of months ago before I left Japan.

If I remember correctly, "Dylan...Moore?" I muttered to myself while pointing at the redhead. "Everett Lakes. Yeah, he still looked the same...I think," I pointed at the dirty blonde who stood on mom's right. "Allaina and Jace Sanders..." I pointed at the two people sitting on the ground in front of the others.

"And of course...Jasmin McCartney." I felt myself smile as I pointed at mom.

As soon as my finger landed on her, I was greeted with a huge flash and it blurred everything out.

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