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Jenna McCartney

"I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring..." I finished.

I saw Gray and Melanie looking at me, eyes wide in awe, also looking quite traumatized.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked while following their gaze, confronted by a levitating book.

I shrieked, instantly hitting the book, hoping to send it to the ground.

But no, it stayed in the air. Only this time, there were...musical notes flying around it?

I poked the book, thinking that it has some button that will make it stop floating, yet it still stayed in the air.

What the...

I walked around the book as if I was looking for the secret to its levitation, as if I would find a fishing line holding the book up.

But no...

It's really stuck there.


"Melanie, do you mind stomping your feet again?" I asked, hearing a stomp from Melanie.

Unlike the first two stomps, the lights didn't flash at command. But the fact that the lights did flash just seconds after she stomped the first time wasn't just a mere coincidence.

It was as if it...obeyed her.

Wait wait wait wait...

Let me get this straight...

Weeks ago, Gray and I fell through portals that showed us a bunch of different things. It went from seeing three teenage kids, and now that I think of it, one of them was probably the older version of Melanie. Then I received a letter from mom which pretty much says that I am a so-called, bearer from a far away land. Then, there's Melanie making lights flash on her command. Then, there's a levitating book on my right. Then, there's weird music stuff going around every time this happens...

What is this? Harry Potter?

Or better yet, Harry Potter: The Musical?

Goodness, Katie you rant too much...

I tried holding my hands out, and finally the book landed on top of my palms. "What the heck..." I muttered to myself.

"So...are we really magical beings?" Gray asked, supremely confused.

"Keep dreaming, Sanders." I rolled my eyes.

"Uhm? Which one?" Melanie chimed in.

Oh right there's two of them now.

"Grayson Sanders." I corrected myself.

"Ah," Melanie nodded her head.

"But think about it though, weirdly enough, I can create portals...MJ can control the light, I think. Then you got this whole music stuff..." Gray trailed off. "Plus didn't your mom say she was a bear-something?"

"My mom's not a bear Gray." I shook my head.

"I know but still! Let's see uhm...did Uncle Jace say anything uhm...different to you?" Gray turned to Melanie.

"He said something about the future..." Melanie shrugged. "But it's too long and complicated and I couldn't pick up much."

"Of course..." Gray mumbled. "Now, I'm wondering if this is all real or if the three of us just have a wild imagination."

We all broke into laughter, "It would be cool if it's real though!"

I listened to Gray and Melanie talk about these fantastical stuff while I opened the book in my hands because I was that curious.

It didn't have a title or anything, just a thick, brown book.

Inside it had pictures of people, and probably their descriptions and life stories and stuff.

I skimmed through the book until something caught my eye. A picture of my mom.

I believe she was in her twenties in this photo, she had her hair tied up in a half bun, making it bring out the gray of her eyes. Jasmin Akane-McCartney was written underneath the picture.

Her basic information was written beside the picture. Such as the name, birthday, and all.

They accurately described mom's information. But something else caught my eye on this page.

Status: Bearer(Specialty: Memories)


Well she can say things that'll immediately make us remember something but...

Are the authors of this book just making exaggerated biographies? Like this could probably be mom and her friends having an idea to create a fantastical biography of themselves as a remembrance.

Or maybe...

"Hey Aunt Allaina's calling us." Gray said, making me snap out of my thoughts. "Jen, did you get everything?"

I closed my book, nodding my head. "Yeah, you guys go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"Okay!" Melanie smiled, turning to Gray. "Can you give me a piggyback ride?"

"No." Gray replied bluntly.

"I'm kidding c'mere." He laughed after a long pause, kneeling down so that Melanie could climb on his back.

Melanie wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his torso as Gray stood up. "Hold on tight okay? We're making a run for it."

He didn't let Melanie speak as he sprinted away as soon as she held him tighter.

I could hear her yelling, "WOOOO!" Even if they were not in my sight anymore.

I shook my head and grabbed the next Attack on Titan manga before making my way to the counter.

I paid for the books, well only for the manga, the person behind the counter didn't recall selling any of those brown books with biographies so she just let me have that for free.

Strange but okay...

They didn't tell me where to meet them, and I didn't know where Gray and Melanie had run off to, so right now, I was just standing awkwardly outside the store.

Radioactive's the safest option, but I don't want to come in there and leave without buying anything...I don't know, it feels illegal to do that.

I walked to the side so that I wouldn't get in the way and just started reading the manga I bought.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned to see who it was but the sight of Melanie being taller than me scared the crap out of me. "Melanie!"

Melanie laughed hysterically, "It was his idea!" She pointed at Gray's head.

I glared at Gray, "It was her idea."

"No it's not!" Melanie protested.

"Okay." I stepped in before they could start another petty argument. "You said Allaina was calling us?"

"Oh right." Gray nodded, "They're at the food court."

I followed Gray and Melanie to the food court, having our conversations along the way.

"Where do you live by the way?" I asked Melanie.

"Maryland." Gray and Melanie replied at the same time.

"Eesh that's far..." I commented.

I mean really, it would probably take a day to go there...

If you choose to drive there anyway.

"I know right?" Gray added.

"Will I see you again this Christmas?" Melanie interrupted.

I looked up at her. "Well if you spend Christmas here in Arizona then you know you will." I bopped her little nose.

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