found her

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Hopper POV:
Since the Byers girl went missing there are more missing cases , also a dead Benny Hammond was found dead almost a week ago , Carol Perkins and Barbara Holland are missing it's like with Laura , no hints they just disappear , nobody saw them not even a little hint , nothing. The door swing open and i saw a upset Joyce Byers she cried and sobbed "you stop searching for Laura!?" she shouted "Joyce i-" but she cut me off "no Hopper! you said you bring her home! you said you will find my girl!" she yelled i stood up and walked towards her "Joyce let me explain" i said and closed the door "there are no hint that we will find her , nothing and they are two more missing cases it's difficult and-" but she cut me off again "you promised that you find my girl! you promised!" she shouted "you promised!!!" she shouted again and punched against my chest sobs escaped her mouth and tears streamed down her face she didn't stop hitting against my chest until i grabbed her wrists and pull her into a tight hug, she sobbed into my chest. "It's okay" i said and ran my hand over her back "it's okay" i said again and laid my chin on her head "please Hop , please don't stop searching for her, don't do this to me please" she sobbed "i'm gonna try everything to find her , alive" i said and ran my hand over her hair "t-thank you" she sobbed and left , i looked after her and sighed , when does that woman get a break? i thought to myself. I walked out of my office , grabbed my hat and said to Powell and Callahan "make yourself ready , we are gonna searching again for Laura Byers." and made myself to the door they looked confused "but chief , the case was laid beside , we have to search for the other two" Powell said " i said , we are gonna search for Laura Byers!" i yelled and left the police station "chief , Laura Byers is missing since almost 4 weeks , we have to search for the other two" Powell said again i shook my head and turned to him "send a search party for them! we gonna search for Laura Byers , even when i'm doing it alone i will find her alive and bring her home to her family!" i shouted and drove away.

Powell and Callahan POV:
"Only a father would react like that" Callahan said "or maybe he just love that Byers woman" Powell said "maybe he just care for that girl , he know how it feels to lose a child that's why he wanna find her , for Mrs. Byers and it's none of your business! now go and help search for her!" Flo said.

Hopper POV:
I drove through  Hawkins to think which place she maybe could be until a place came into my mind , bellwood quarry. I drove there and already met Powell and Callahan "okay you gonna send a search party here , they should look everywhere i'm gonna drive to town again to look there , if you have any information call me!" i said and went back into my car. Hours passed but nothing , until i got a call , i took a deep breath "we have something, come back to the bellwood quarry" Powell said , i drove as fast i could back "what is it!?" i asked when i arrived "we found her.." Powell said i sighed and watched how her body was dragging out of the water i let out a heavy breath and turned around "i'm going to the Byers house" i said quietly "should we come with you? this is gonna be not easy for Joyce Byers" Callahan said but i just shook my head and drove to the Byers. I took a deep breath before i was knocking at the door , it didn't took long until Joyce opened. "News?" she asked i nodded and came in "you should sit down" i said and walked with her to the couch , she sat down with a worry look "Joyce, we...we found her." i said " oh my god is she okay!? where is she!?" she immediately asked , i sighed and said "she was found in the water at the bellwood quarry" i saw her confused look "but she is okay, right? can i go to her? Hop where is my daughter!?" she asked i took her hand in mine "Joyce , she was found in the water , she isn't alive anymore.." i quietly said. I could watch how her eyes filled with tears , she shook her head and stood up her breath went heavy "no" she said and shook her head again "no, no , no!" she cried out and i knew she would break down i walked to her and catch her before she could fall. I slide down the wall with her in my arms , i hold her tight in my arms and let her cry , scream and sob into my chest "i got you , it's okay" i said and pushed her head into my chest while my head rest on hers , i had to fight with my own tears. Hours passed and she fall asleep in my arms , i carefully carried her to her bedroom and laid her down in her bed , i went back to the living room and sat down at the couch, i wouldn't let her alone tonight.

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