I'll join you

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Laura POV:
"c-can't you just let me leave?" i asked crying , i still was sitting on the ground and he was grabbing my chin again "you can't run away anymore , they think you're dead everyone thinks you're dead , you stay here with me forever and we will rule the world" he said and grabbed my chin tighter "but my mom , she needs me , i need her please" i sobbed he let go of my chin "then i will end her suffering" he said my eyes immediately wided "no!" i shouted but he walked away i stood up and run after him , i grabbed his arm what made him push me against the wall "you don't want her suffering , so i'm gonna end it" he said i shook my head , he was about to went until i sighed "i'm staying, okay! I'm staying here with you , w-we can rule the world together a-and i do everything you want , i will join you , but please don't do anything to my family , please" i sobbed out he looked deep into my eyes "i promise , when you promise you won't hurt them" i said  he grabbed me by the hair "join me , Laura" he said in the most terrify voice i've ever heard "i'll join you" i said while keep looking into his eyes the first time since i'm here i saw him smile , even when it was a evil smile. I have to make a plan , i won't join him , i won't kill people. I will go home no matter how, i will go , i have to escape. "What are we?" i asked he looked at me "wife" he said and turned i swallow hard "but i'm only 15" i quietly said "you follow my rules" he said and went. I followed him "and what are we doing now?" i asked "kill" he said. Shivers run down my spine "w-who?" i asked but he didn't answer , instead i heard some noises i turned and looked at what looked like a dog without a real head i went backwards while my breath went faster i didn't come far until i run against something "they need food" he said i looked up and asked "are they dangerous?" he looked back down to me "only if i tell them to be" I sighed and pushed away from him. We walked through this place with more of these things, i tried to scan everything i saw, this was Hawkins but different , maybe i could hide here until i find a way to escape from here i thought.

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