Chapter 54

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Damien quickly got into his car as a few curses slipped past his lips. He hastily started the car and pulled out of the driveway. He had to find Sage before some creep got to him. 

Damien looked around the street as he drove. He didn't know which direction Sage went to but he hoped it was the one he was currently driving to. 

The alpha bit his lips as he looked around desperately to find the short boy walking but he couldn't find anyone. The street was empty. 

His heartbeat was getting louder and faster. He was getting scared. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Sage. 

"F*ck! Where are you? " Damien talked to himself as he looked at both sides of the street. He was on the end of the street but he couldn't find Sage anywhere. 

The alpha stopped his car. There's no way Sage could walk so fast that he could get to the end of the street by this time. If Sage walked this way, Damien would've already seen him. 

That means…

"Shit!" The alpha cursed and turned his car around. 

He went the other way. 

Damien sped up, roaring through the silent street as he cursed inside his mind again and again. 

He slowed his car when he went past his house. He kept looking on either side of the road for the omega as he drove. This time he was going on a little faster than before. 

"Come on… please be sa—" He slammed hard on the breaks when he saw a van at the side of the road. 

A little away from there was a man, dragging someone towards the vehicle. He couldn't make out who it was because that part of the street wasn't well lit. 

Damien frowned as he watched but his eyes widened when he heard a whimper. 

That was a familiar sound. 

His blood boiled as he stopped the car. The alpha took the gun that he kept in the car and tucked it into his waist before he got out. 

"Hey! " He shouted at the guy who was dragging his mate. The more Damien got closer to them the more he could see it clearly. 

The man who was dragging Sage seemed to be a middle aged guy. He was holding the omega by his hair and Sage was slapping and wriggling in his hold, trying to get away. 

"Leave him alone! " Damien said through gritted teeth. 

"F*ck off! I found him first! " The guy slurred as he shouted back. 

The alpha pushed up his sleeves as he strode towards the drunk pervert. "Get your filthy hands off him! " 

"I told you to f*ck off! Find another b*tch! This one's mine, " He shouted back. 

Damien saw Sage's tear stained terrified face as he got closer. That was all it took for him to run and charge at the pervert. 

"I told you to get your f*cking hands off him!" He punched the guy mercilessly. 

One punch and the man immediately let go of the omega. 

Sage fell to the ground. He was shaking and trembling. 

"What the f*ck are you doing man?! " The guy shouted as he tried to shield himself. "I was just trying to have some fun. You can take that b*tch if you want him so much, " 

"Don't talk about him like that! " Damien punched the man's face with so much force, it was sure that guy's jaw was dislocated. "Talk about him like that again and I won't hesitate to blow your head off, " He growled before punching the man again. 

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