Chapter 88

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Double update alert! Check out the previous chapter if you haven't read it ❤️

"I think I'm going to get diabetes from the amount of cakes you've been feeding me these days." Jude chuckled, causing his mate to frown.

"I thought you liked them."

"I like them but you don't have to buy them every week, alpha. Just once in a month is enough for me."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll buy you something else next time. Just say the name and I'll get it for you." Alexander pressed his lips on his mate's exposed skin before burying his nose in the omega's neck to take a deep breath. "God, I missed your scent." 

"Me too," Jude breathed out and relaxed his posture, his body turning putty in the hands of his mate. 

"Do you know how many times I thought of driving to your cafe and taking you to the back room to fuck you mindlessly?"

"Why are you horny twenty-four-seven?" Jude slapped his mate's arm that was wrapped around his waist.

Alexander chuckled. "Can't help it, sorry. My omega is so pretty." 

"You are unbelievable."


"Alex is bugging me to let him get a dog for me." Jude sighed, taking out the freshly baked cookies out of the oven. 

"Oh wow, really? Did you say yes?"  Sage perked up. "Puppies are so cute!"

"I said yes long before but he's now bugging me saying that I didn't really mean it and I have to say it like I really mean it. And yes, puppies are cute but he wants to get a guard dog. A rottweiler or a doberman or something and I'm a little scared. What if they're aggressive?" The omega sighed. "It's been two weeks and without fail every day he keeps showing me cute pictures of these dogs to soften my heart."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I saw a documentary recently about dogs and they showed how these dogs are trained. After they're trained they're very obedient and loyal and only turn aggressive if something threatens their owners. It was really cool." 

"Really? Should I let him adopt one then?"

"You should! After you adopt one, I can bug Damien to get me one too! I love them so much!" Sage grinned.

"You can ask Damien right now. You don't have to wait for me to adopt one. I'm sure Damien would say yes to everything you ask," Jude laughed. 

"Hmm….I don't really want to bother him with too many requests." Sage chuckled. "I feel like I'm already asking for too much." 

Jude couldn't help the frown that formed on his face. The older omega turned towards his friend and gave him a stern look. "Stop thinking like that, Sage. I know how Damien is. He wouldn't think twice before getting you what you want and you deserve everything you get." 

"It's just…I don't know. I still can't get used to this. All this money he's spending on me…I feel overwhelmed. Some of the things he buys for me…. I've never even heard about them before and the money they cost… before I was mated to him I've never even seen that much money all at once. It feels….weird." Sage breathed out a sigh, absentmindedly frosting the cupcakes as he talked, hands moving in instinctual memory.

"I know how you feel, Sage. It feels wrong because you feel like you're only getting this all because Damien is wealthy. But you need to remember alphas love to provide. It's their instinct to buy things for their mates and spoil us. Alexander buys me a lot of unnecessary things every day just because he has seen me look in the direction of it once." The omega shakes his head, fondly remembering the antiques of his alpha. "What I'm saying is even if we don't feel like it's needed, they're going to spend money on us anyway. It's inevitable. Though I do sometimes think it's because they don't have any idea how to spend all this money they have other than to drown us in gifts," Jude chuckled, causing the other omega to smile.

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