Chapter 66

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Damien sighed as he looked at his mate. Sage had dozed off while watching TV. The omega was amazed by all the shows on TV. He spent most of his day watching the shows. Currently, some cake baking show was playing on TLC as he slept peacefully on the couch.

"Hey…" Damien tried to wake up his mate but Sage only stirred before going back to sleep. The alpha thought for a moment before turning the TV off. He gently picked up the omega, careful not to wake him up.

He slowly went up to the bedroom and let out a breath of relief as he placed his mate on the bed. Sage quickly snuggled into the warm blanket Damien covered him with.

Today wasn't awkward as Damien thought it would be. It passed almost normally. Sage wasn't being so hostile and he was glad about that. He picked up his phone to go to his social media account.

Damien hadn't spoken to Vannessa after the incident but they still followed each other on social media. He pulled up her account. She posted a new picture.

It was a picture of her having dinner with her family. She looked happy and her father had a huge grin on his face. He never saw the man smile like that in his presence. Well, it wasn't a secret that the man disliked him greatly. He sighed and pressed a like on the picture before laying back on the couch.

His room now smells different. It had his and the omega's scent mixed together. Damien couldn't help but take a deep breath. It was calming. The scent calms his nerves and it only took a few minutes for him to slip into a peaceful slumber.


"Do you want to go shopping?" Damien asked his mate as they both ate breakfast.

Sage looked up with a frown. "For what?"

"Um…clothes. I was thinking of buying some clothes for you,"

"No, thank you. I have enough clothes,"

Damien sighed. "You have five pairs of clothes. That isn't enough,"

"It is enough for me. I know how to wash my clothes," The omega defended.

"Sage, please. You need some comfortable clothes. And I can buy you anything you want,"

Sage opened his mouth to argue but then he paused. "A-Anything I want?"

"Yes," Damien said without a second thought.

Sage pursed his lips. He cleared his throat before looking up at his mate. "I want…um…I want a p-pet fish umm and–and some chicken tenders and some fries and uhhh….and a pizza…." He said nervously.

Damien stared at him with a confused look. "Is that what you want?"

Sage squirmed in his seat. "Y-Yeah…is that too much? You can cancel the fries if it's—"

"No, it's not too much…It's–It's too less," Damien shook his head.

"Huh? Why?"

"Sage, you've never eaten fast food like these before?" The alpha asked.

"I did…" Sage frowned. "Jude used to buy me things. Sandwiches and burgers…They were really tasty,"

"Before that? Did you buy these before you started working for Jude?"

Sage's frown deepened. "Um…no. I didn't have money…besides my father never let me eat them because he used to say I will become fat," He shrugged.

Damien bit inside his cheek. "So what did you use to eat?"

"After I started living alone? I used to eat eggs and toast in the morning and for lunch, it was sausages or some fruits. I usually skip dinner if I'm not so hungry,"

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