Chapter 94

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“Oh my god,” Alexander breathed out, a wide grin on his face as he looked at his mate. “I can feel it. Tiny little movements,”

“Right?! Our baby bub is so cute! Always so energetic.” Jude giggled, adoringly rubbing his swelling stomach while Alexander placed a soft kiss on his head. 

“The kicks and movements are going to be a regular thing from the fifth or sixth month onwards. They're going to be very active then,” Cheryl smiled as she placed the brownies in front of the omega. 

“Oh, smells good!” Jude grinned, mouth already salivating at the smell. “My brownie babies! I've been waiting for you!” he beamed like an excited child.

Alexander watched his mate’s reaction with a wide smile. The omega had been craving this since last night and couldn't stop talking about it. It was amusing to see him waiting patiently at the kitchen counter ever since Cheryl came to work. 

“It tastes so good, Cheryl! Thank you so much,” the omega smiled.

Cheryl shook her head with a soft laugh. “Don't mention it.” 

“You're happy today, aren't you?” Alexander let out a chuckle, softly caressing his mate's blonde locks. The alpha couldn't take his eyes off the little man. Somehow the omega kept getting gorgeous as each day passed. It was absolutely adorable to see him all round and glowing. 

Mood swings are one thing that made the alpha walk on eggshells around Jude but the crazier thing was trying to meet the demands his little mate often made in the middle of the night. Alexander remembers the man crying and almost throwing up because he wouldn't let him eat ice in the middle of the night. That was a nightmare for the alpha as he was worried sick about the omega getting sick from eating countless cubes of ice in one sitting.

Weird cravings of his little mate have been one of the things that surprised Alexander the most. The alpha can't even imagine how the omega finds pickles with ice cream and oranges covered in peanut butter delicious. But the way his mate's beautiful face lights up with joy whenever he gets to have them is precious. Alexander would do it over and over again just to see that sight. 

“Alpha, do you want’em?” the omega asked with wide eyes and a mouthful of brownies. 

“No, baby. You can have them all,” the man chuckled, his hand drawing circles on the small of the omega's back. 

“Thank you,” no matter how kind he tried to be, sharing food is one of the things Jude found out to be a hard task during his pregnancy so the omega often made his hesitance clear whenever he offered a share of his food to anyone. Even though Alexander often told him that he didn't have to share his food, Jude couldn't bring himself to do it because he felt guilty about eating without sharing.

The omega gently caressed his baby bump. “You're going to be good tomorrow too, right? Don't make your papa feel nauseous. Why do you have to hate eggs now? I liked eggs.” the smaller man asked with a pout, while Alexander watched the interaction with a raised brow before he slipped into the bed with his mate. 

“You don't like eggs now?”

“I feel nauseous. I can't eat it.” Jude frowned as he looked at his mate. “Our baby is growing fast, don't you think? My clothes are turning tight now.” the omega grinned with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. “I feel like time is moving too fast.”

“I think so too,” Alexander replied with an equally blinding smile before placing a soft kiss on his omega's swelling stomach. “We have to look for names. Do you have any suggestions?” 

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