✧✧✧ Club Overview

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Please keep in mind that each of these clubs are on DreamlandCommunity

For those who don't know what book clubs are in the Wattpad sense, they are typically some form of controlled read-for-read.  Moderators make sure those who sign up do their job, though that job can vary from completing a pairing assignment, a group assignment, etc.  They require you to read and comment on a certain amount of chapters from another person, and they do the same for you.

To sign up for any of the clubs, you will go to the actual Dreamland account, find the specific book club, read its information pages, and then sign up in the Form chapter!

Dreamland has five of these.  There is a brief overview below.  The future chapters will feature deeper break downs as well as praise for the clubs!

✧✧✧Exchange: Weekly pairing reading 4 chapters for each other leaving extensive outlines. Also a Golden Dreamer you have to read 2 chapters for, updated every two weeks, chosen from the top commenting club members. 

✧✧✧Rush: Funkiest club. Updates twice a week. Works in a grouping system where 1-2 members are featured each update depending on your group. Read 1 chapter, leave 7+ inline comments on the featured book(s). Also a Book of the Week. Have the entire week to read 1 chapter and leave 7+ inline comments. 

✧✧✧Workshop: Long-term pairing based. Updates twice a week. Basically trusts you and your partner to communicate. You are critique partners. Comments have to be at least 5+ quality inlines and 6+ sentence outline.

✧✧✧Hunt: Monthly assignments. We have a chapter in which we list every member of the club. You have to read 2 chapters from BotM and 4+ chapters from any of the other members. Leave 10+ inlines OR a 5+ sentence outline. Other details like point system and Partnerships (member-created) found in the book.

✧✧✧Raid: Updates every two week. Features a new book and an undiscovered book that I found through extensive searching. Also has a BotW and pairing section. Have to read 1 chapter of each of the listed stuff about and leave 5+ inlines OR 5+ sentence outline

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