✵ Cat

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Hey everyone, I'm Cat, or @legreenninjafan if you've seen me around!

I'm another one of the many Wattpad accounts still trying to write their big book :3 Avid fanfiction and fantasy writer as of currently (and romance, technically 👀 and adventure. hmmm—) I love Ninjago, drawing, hot chocolate, and binge watching tv shows ;) 

My favorite thing about Dreamland is quite honestly probably the people. Sounds cliche, but basically everyone there is amazing ;') I love how there's always someone I can find to talk with, whether it's for good writing advice when I'm in writer's block ( a ton of the time ), or just for ranting or chit chat about the day. 

Even have absolutely beautiful covers from the talented designers in there ;-;  I first started writing after I joined, a teeny blank account, and I've had nothing but encouragement and so much help from the writers and readers there. When I first published my own original book, the book club I joined (Hunt!!) has improved it so much along the way with every comment given. The way it's run just gives me a ton to look forward too, whether it's the games, a

All in all,  if you're just another writer, reader, or someone out there looking to meet more someones, I'd really suggest you join Dreamland! I joined the Catcher team to hope and find more people like me, and I hope this place can benefit you as much as it did me! ❤︎

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