Chapter 10

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The teen father stood on his balcony and took a long drag from his cigarette. He had fucked up that night at the club, in more ways than one. Not only did he pick up a bad habit again, but he let his drunken feelings take over.

It was bound to happen. The tension between them was too strong. Drunk words are sober thoughts, he knew that. He just wished it played out differently than it did; more organically. A little smoother.

That night wasn't the only night either. Since the ice had finally been broken, when other opportunities arose they took them without contemplation. He enjoyed their time together; Barnaby had shown him things he had never experienced before; but something still wasn't completely right about what they were doing. There was something missing, something still unspoken.

The fact that they still had not kissed said it all. When Marshall drunkenly leaned in for one that night Barnaby had stopped him with a finger to the lips. "Not yet," he had said. "I want you to mean it..." He was confused at the time, but after some reflection he understood. Sex was a pure lustrous act to Barnaby, something to do for fun. But a true show of affection like a kiss was different; more special, something to be cherished. Marshall thought that was silly, he figured it should be the other way around instead. But nonetheless he didn't cross that line, and even started to find some truth in his beliefs.

After they both were satisfied, things between them were pretty much the same, which Marshall was grateful for. He didn't want to rush into anything, mostly for the safety of his daughter. He couldn't afford to get too attached. Not again.

Whatever happened, happened, he decided while putting out his cigarette. But for now, the company they shared would remain superficial.


Barnaby sat in his lecture, doodling instead of listening. He was already a CEO, why did he still have to take business classes? He tried not to judge his peers but he couldn't help his egotistical thoughts. He admired their dedication, but knew about ninety percent of them would never even make it close to where he is now. And wherever this was, was not even where he wanted to be. He wanted to cook and bake. Experiment with flavors and decorate plates. And he wanted to watch the expressions on peoples faces light up upon the first bite. But that was not his destiny. Yet these kids would be fighting for the rest of their lives to even get a managers position at a shitty local business.

He felt bad for thinking that way. Pepper would've scolded him if she were here to do so. She tried to ingrain into his young mind that having money didn't make him special, and to treat everybody with kindness. But hey, when you're a CEO at 18 years old, you can't help but get a little cocky.

After class he got a quick bite to eat, sitting by himself at a table by a window. He wasn't really that hungry, like usual, so he did it mostly out of boredom. And because Marshall's voice was in his head, telling him he should eat something. He hated eating alone and wished Marshall was here to share this mushy sandwich with him. Food is meant to be experienced with others.

If he wouldn't have him here in person then he would just think about him instead. Which is something he did often. His roommate consumed the majority of his thoughts. And now instead of imagining late nights with him he could just replay memories. His face got warm and it wasn't from the sun shining. He gazed out the window but instead of watching the passerby's he watched scenes of him and Marshall like television.

That night after the club happened to be a happy accident. They both were very much under the influence, which could've turned into a bad situation the morning after. But to Barnaby's surprise, instead of feeling regretful and running back to his room, Marshall Lee had initiated again. The first time could've been a drunk mistake, sure, but the fact that he did it again sober meant he knew what he was doing and wanted more. A curtain had been lifted, and they now had more opportunities to express their feelings. He had wished their first time was a little more special but hey, if some liquid courage is all it takes to get him in his bed, so be it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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