Chapter 4

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Some time had passed and Marshall would have to say that life had been as good as it could get considering the circumstances he was in. With the plethora of money that he had, he was able to buy so many useful things for Valerie. New outfits, new toys, lots of diapers, even cool items that just made everyday life with a baby more simple, all with plenty of cash to spare. He was never the type of person to believe that money could buy happiness, but damn did he disagree now. He felt the happiest he's ever been in the past year.

It had been over a month since Barnaby first visited and he hadn't come back yet. They've talked over the phone quite a few times which helped break Marshall out of his occasional slumps. Being alone with only a baby to talk to brought him closer to the brink of insanity every once in a while, so having an actual conversation with someone who could respond really helped a lot. As promised, Fionna and Cake helped too by coming over and visiting more now that the blonde was out of school. He was grateful for them as well.

Now that he had a stroller, they all went on walks together, and when they stayed at Marshall's, the girls (mostly Cake) took care of Valerie while Marshall took care of himself. Being able to nap, shower, and eat a decent meal in peace without worrying about his daughter was always nice. Though he always worried about her no matter what.

A week or two after Barnaby came, the checks from Ashley's parents stopped coming which arose some questions. Did Ashley tell her parents that she wasn't staying there anymore? And if so, what did that mean for the rent? Did they stop paying for it? Marshall would have to get that figured out soon. Later, he decided. Now, he just wanted to sit in peace and watch some shitty TV show while Valerie napped. He decided to splurge and get a small television and shitty satellite just so he could at least have something to do besides sit around and feel sorry for himself. TV and music were good distractions.

Valerie was three months old now and he couldn't believe how fast she was growing. She could keep her head up steadily, roll over, and hold toys for longer. She was finally starting to become a little person now and not just a somewhat mindless baby. He was incredibly proud and happy that she was such a smart, healthy, chubby baby (even the doctor had said so).

Life was good. And Marshall hoped it stayed that way.


It was the next morning and both Marshall and Valerie were awoken by very loud, persistent knocking. No. Banging, and not the fun kind. Marshall Lee sprang out of bed and rushed to the door, adrenaline taking him all the way. Not a thought in his head, he yanked open the door, a panicked look on his face.

"Are you Mr. Frost?" It was... the Sheriff?

"No. He pays for the apartment. I just live here." Why the hell is the Sheriff here? Marshall was already getting stressed from this and Valerie's crying in the back was not helping.

The man stood tall, having a good couple of inches on Marshall. "I'm going to have to ask you and your child to leave the premises immediately," he spoke in a deep voice, eyeing the inside of the apartment as if to locate the source of the crying.

Marshall scrunched his eyebrows, not in the mood to deal with this bullshit this early in the morning. "May I ask why?" he retorted with probably a little too much attitude.

The Sheriff pointed to a paper posted on the door. "You're being evicted." Marshall Lee blinked, his eyes shot from the paper back to the Sheriff's scruffy face.

"What!? Are you fucking kidding me? Why was I not notified of this beforehand!? ...Oh my god." The teen father ran his hands through his hair, rubbing his face. Valerie continued to cry, irritating him greatly. "Jesus Christ, hold on a second." Lee ripped himself away from the scene and barged into his bedroom, picking up his crying baby to try and calm her down before he ripped his hair out. "Valerie. Babe. Imma need you to shut the hell up please and thanks," he whispered bitterly, bouncing her in his arms.

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