°Dark Cacao cookie x reader°

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"A famous baker in Dark Cacaos kingdom" that's what people recognized you by, you loved to bake sweets and your cheap prices made you the first choice to buy things from you

You were just opening when you heard a familiar voice and a ring bell as your favorite customer came in...
Dark Cocoa
"Hello Dark Cacao! What brings you here today?" You asked smilling at him "You know the usual" he replied "I made a something new, i still don't have a name for it, but do you wanna try it?" You asked kindly and handed him his usual "Is it something with sweets? You know i don't eat sweets" he said "I know you don't so i made it without the sweets" You said while handing him a piece "Mhm this taste is pretty balanced, i'll take few of them" he said finishing the piece you gave him "How many?" You asked "Mhm i'll take 10 today, please save some for tommorow since i'll be sharing some with my soldiers" He said while smilling a little "I need to go now, i'll be back tommorow" He said and then ran off *He's so pretty- Wait what are you thinking Y/N, pull yourself together he's a king and you're nothing for him you'll never have a chance* you thought to yourself and then felt sad until another customer came in but you were thinking only about him whole day

You woke up at your table *i fell asleep here again?* You thought while getting up to shower *Why do i like Dark Cacao? Like yes he's sweet to me but i'm not enough for him* your thoughts flood your mind but you decided to ignore them and continue showering, after going downstairs to your bakery and opening it you were just thinking about him but you pushed those thoughts away when you got new customers

After few hours of serving you heard Dark Cacaos voice and you smiled to yourself "Hello Dark Cacao! How's it going?" You asked and he just grinned "Good" He said "What's going on with you? You're acting weird" you said and he just got closer to you "I may have good mood because i saw you" he smirked and hugged you *Wtf that's not Dark Cacao* you thought "Did you hit your head?" You asked blushing while he was little tipsy "You were with Hollyberry right?" You asked smelling the wine reeking from him "Probably~ but now i just wanna kiss you" he said while getting closer and closer "Hey!-" you were cut off by him kissing you then you pulled away "Dark Cacao you need to go to your castle" you said "Oh come on i know you enjoyed this~ And i know about your feeling towards me too" He said not thinking anything of it
"YOU KNOW?" You yelled "Ofc i know you were mumbling something with me when i came in here until you noticed me" he said "And i love you too" he said while looking at you, you knew it was truly him talking and not the alcohol "But seriously thought, you need to go back home" You said "Of course darling~" He said smirking "STOP FLIRTING RN I NEED YOU TO GO HOME"

(This mf fought a tree when he got drunk, so i can see this happening.
But i'm still dying from the heat since it got higher and i'm sweating like crazy, please help i need a fan rn)

Total of words: 589 words

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