°Clotted Cream Cookie x reader°

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This isn't yandere (i know it looks like it but i swear that's just the beginning!!!)

Your bestfriend known as Clotted Cream Cookie did everything to keep you safe, he would kill so you would be safe, you always felt something weird when you were with him, like your heart was faster and you felt butterflies in your stomach, but you didn't know what he would say when you would confess so you pushed those feeling away and kept them a secret only you and your heart knew

One day you were at your home in storm and then you heard a knock *Who could this be at this late hour?* You thought and went outside just to see your bestfriend "What are you doing here? Are you crazy It's literally raining outside" You said concerned about him getting a cold "I just wanted to visit you" he said with a smirk "IT'S NEARLY A MIDNIGHT AND YOU JUST SHOWED UP AT MY HOUSE TO SEE ME?? COULDN'T YOU WAIT FOR TOMMOROW?" You 'yelled' at him and he just pushed past you and went to sit on your sofa "Can i sleep in here tho?" He asked "So you show up to my house without even telling me and then you ask if you can sleep here?" You said clearly mad "i'm sorry i just wanted to make sure you were safe after what happened last time" he said his smile fading away "I'm sorry for suddenly bursting at you" you said and he hugged you and you stayed in the hug for few seconds "No, i'm sorry" he said and you smiled  "Do you want anything to drink or eat?" "Water will do" "Ok!" You replied and went to the kitchen, you gave him a cup with water and sat down next to him "Do you want to watch some movie?" You asked and he nodded while drinking "This?" You showed him something random and he nodded again and you started watching the movie

Throughout the movie you started feeling tired so you put your head on CC shoulders "Goodnight" you said and he pulled you closer and kissed your forehead "Goodnight love~" he flirted with you but you just let that slide "I love you" you whispered "I love you too darling" he replied and turned off the TV, he carried you to your room and you both cuddled while falling asleep, you never thought your dream would come true but here you was, cuddling the love of your life

Hi! I'm curently writing this while falling asleep since it's nearly 2AM, i'm sorry if there are any typos i'm just really tired rn and i could've just make a lots of typos so goodnight guys! Go drink something while you're reading this if you want :)

Word count: 474 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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