°Adventurer cookie x fem!Reader°

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Request by: Fandomlove56
Thank you for your request! :D
Sorry it took so long- i forgot to publish it

You woke up to hear your child crying in her crib, Adventurer your husband mumbled something and fell asleep once again

You walked over her crib and started gently rocking her crib but she didn't stop crying, you groaned sleepily and picked her up, you felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around to see your husband smiling at you "She can't fall asleep" you whispered to him "Let's sing her some lullaby" he said

As you sang two her a lullaby she fell asleep "Your singing is still pretty" he said and kissed your cheek, you put her down in the crib and went to bed "Cuddles" he said while pouting like a child "You never changed" you said while laughing "Hey don't be mean" He said and you laughed and opened your arms, he jumped in and started cuddling with you "You're really childish" you laughed and kissed him "Goodnight darling" he said while snuggling into your neck "Goodnight love" you said and ruffled his hair, then you fell asleep in eachothers arms

(i'm dying once again, my vocals are done and i can't talk much or i'll start coughing, anyways i think this guy is clingy and can't let you go and sorry this is short i can't write a lot cuz i don't have inspiration this week.)

Goodbye! Take care of yourself i love you :D

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