°Dark Cacao x reader°

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Being a maid in Dark Cacaos castle is tiring and you often don't get a lot of sleep and when you do you get nightmares reminding you of your past, today was that day

You woke up sweating, thinking about the nightmare and what happened in the past, you were still shaking and crying when you heard the door open, you quickly hid your face so whoever that was couldn't see your face, you felt someone hug you and sit next to you "Y/N are you okay?" That uknown person asked and you quickly realized it was Dark Cacaos voice "My lord? What are you doing here?" You asked him looking at him with teary eyes "Are you ok my dear?" He says *My Dear? WAIT WHAT WHAT DID HE JUST SAID?" Your thoughts became a mess and your face became a tomato "Yes sir" "Are you sure?" He asked "I only had a nightmare" you said and he sighed and opened his arms, you looked at him confused and he hugged you "mhm you smell nice" you said out loud accidentaly "Do i?" He asked teasing you "I'm sleeping with you now" he said "Which way do you mean that?" You asked and he quickly realized about how wrong it sounded "I meant i will lay in here with you tonight so you'll sleep better" He said and his face was flushed too, he laid down and hugged you from behind "Goodnight darling" "Can you stop flirting?" "no" you sighed as he didn't want to stop flirting with you "Goodnight love" you flirted back "If you don't stop i'll go away" "BUT YOU STARTED FLIRTING FIRST SIR" he laughed at you defending yourself "You can call me Dark Cacao or just Cacao" he said "i'll stick with Dark Cacao for now, Goodnight" "Goodnight to you too Y/N" He said with a chuckle and you both fell asleep comfortably by eachothers side

A/N (for now i'll just call it a/n cuz it looks better)
I think this guy flirts with you every single time just to see your red face, even in public he doesn't seem to stop,
Anyways i'm finally happy it rained in here and i can finally sleep in a thick blanket because it isn't hot finally. Goodbye reader! Have a good day and stay hydrated in this weather

Word count: 400 words

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