°Espresso x Madeleine x fem!reader°

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(YES A POLY RELASHIONSHIP! :D) but this is just lemon since i didn't write any smut in this and there are some curses will be in it so beware

You were a workaholic like espresso, your best friend, you two were inseperable and both liked dark coffee, it all went downhill when he got a boyfriend and you loved both of them but didn't want to ruin your friendship because of it so you kept it bottled up

It was an usual day in your flower shop, few weddings, someone just buying a flower for their s/o and you being jealous of the fact that you're still single (even thought a lot of people confessed their love to you, you just didn't like them at all, you only thought of two persons)
You were taking care of the Sweet flowers when you heard a bell ring "Hello what do you need? Oh espresso? What are you doing here?" You asked "I thought i'll buy Madeleine some flowers he likes!" He said with a grin *Idk if i want to be Madeleine or Espresso, Or in between them* you thought while zoning out "Uhh Y/N??" Espresso waved his hand before your eyes "Yeah?" You asked confused "Were you even listening?" He asked with a sigh "I'm sorry i zoned out" you said "Can i get those cute rainbow flowers?" He asked "Of course" you said while handing them to him *This fruity man is really buying those gay flowers* you thought and laughed to yourself "Why are you laughing?" He asked "Uhh" *Wait am i gay too? Hmm probably yeah* your thoughts were weird but funny for you "Y/N what are you thinking about, you're completly zoning out while i'm saying something" He said "I think i'm Poly" you blurted out without realizing "I think i'm poly too, but Madeleine said few weeks ago he is too" Espresso said "Weird coincidence huh?" You said "Hmm yeah" He said and an idea flashed in his mind "I need to go bye!" He said and ran off "this is smelling Fishy" you said to yourself and organized the plants from A to Z

*Oh it's 19:00 already? In half an hour i can finally close and trim some Plants* you thought happilly and finished the paperwork (bills etc.) *But why did Espresso ran off? He even forgot his phone here* You thought and looked at his phone which was hidden so no one can take it *Should i look at it?* Your thoughts flood your mind *No i'll rather die then interfere into someones bussiness, but it's so temptating* You looked at the locked phone once again *Maybe a little peek wouldn't hur-* your thoughts were cut off by the phone ringing, you picked up the phone and saw the name Madeleine *Wasn't Espresso with him?* You thought and picked it up accidentaly and heard Espressos voice "Uhm where is my phone stranger?" He said "Espresso you were in such a rush and forgot it in here" You replied "Y/N, i'm glad it's you and not someone who took my phone, thank you i'll go for the phone Now" He said and you looked at the time, it was 19:20 "I'm going to close in ten minutes you better be quick" You laughed "Can you please just be there till 20:00? The way in there is longer than 30 minutes" He begged "And i have something to discuss with you actually" He said and hung up *I'm seriously gonna rot in here till 20:00? I'm gonna kill him* you thought to yourself and laughed

"I'm so sorry it took me longer than that but Madeleine decided to come with me" Espresso rushed to you and started apologizing like crazy "It's ok but what did you wanna discuss?" You asked Espresso, he and Madeleine started blushing "I- I just wanted to ask you, do you like us?" He asked, now it was your turn to be flustered "Why do you ask?" You asked with your hands covering your face "I take that as a yes and we wondered if you would like to date us?" Madeleine said straight-forward "Of course i would!" You yelled flustered, then they both hugged you "We love you so much Y/N" they said in sync "I love you too guys, you don't even know how much"  "Don't you wanna close the shop now? It's pretty late" Madeleine cookie said and kissed your cheek "You're right it's 20:10 now, You can go both home now" You said with a hint of sadness in your voice, suddenly it started raining heavily "Uhm i think you can sleep today here" You said and locked the front door of your shop "Wait where do you even live?" Espresso curiously asked "Ohh i live upstairs" You replied with a grin "Makes sense to me" Madeleine said to Espresso and followed you upstairs "This is my kitchen, and here is..." You said while continuing to show them your 2 floor "Where is your room and living room?" Espresso asked "Third floor, now follow me" you replied and he was stunned by your room "Wow your room is so big" Madeleine said while laying down on your bed"And your bed is so soft and comfy" He said "You can go sleep after the tour, i don't want you to get lost in my house" You picked him up from the bed and he followed you "This is my living room, you can go look around in here" You said while they were just amazed by your house "YOU HAVE A TELESCOPE??" Espresso yelled excited "Go look if you want" you said while sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV "The rain will last 2 days! We reccomend not going out and staying at home" The reporter from the news said and the boys looked at you and you sighed "Fine you can stay here 2 days" You said and they both went crazy and excited and sat next to you "We can make this night rememberable" Madeleine flirted with you and you got flustered and turned on some movie "This movie looks great!" Then a sex scene appeared and it got akward "Cool floor you got here Y/N" Espresso said "And the ceiling is pretty too" You said while looking up "Yall are pussies, it's only a sex scene, nothing wrong with that" Madeleine said "i would enjoy one too rn" He flirted again "You're gonna sleep on the couch if you don't stop saying this" You said "Fine" He replied

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