°Sorbet shark cookie x mermaid! reader°

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This is platonic!!!

You always wondered how land looked like and was always amazed by the stories Sorbet Shark told you, as a young reckless meirmaid what was your first thought? Explore the land "Hey Sorbet, do you wanna go explore the land?" You asked "Of course!" (I'm not going to write OoOoo cuz you wouldn't understand it)

You arrived to the beach "But how do you walk?" You said wondering "You put your leg like this and then you repeat it" They teached you and you started slowly walking "I did it!" You cheered and then nearly fell but Sorbet caught you "You should be more careful" they said and you slowly stood up "Thanks for catching me Sorbet!!" You said and smiled at him "No need!" They said "Hey do you want to meet my friends?" They asked while smilling at you "Of course!" You said excited "Let's go then!" They took your hand and you both started running into a beautiful kingdom "Hello friend! What are you doing here?" Uknown cookie asked SB and noticed you behind them "Is this your friend you're always talking about?" Uknown cookie asked and hugged you, you were startled "Uhm hi?" "Oh my i'm sorry i forgot to introduce myself! I'm Gingerbrave" He said and started asking you some questions "I think we should go into my kingdom and talk in there!" He said and you looked at SB who agreed with him "Okay" "Let's go then!" He ran off and you both ran after him

That day you made lots of friends and learned what humans do usually, and SB was happy that you finally got courage and went in here with him

Hi! I hope you enjoyed my first platonic oneshot! I changed the cover to something cooler (Dark Cacao is still cool but i like this cover more) hope you have a great day and please eat :) Goodbye!!

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