005 - Daddy's Girl

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Nabi started to stir around while lying on the bed.

Jungwoo was off behind his desk working on something on his computer when he noticed Nabi start to move.

She opened her eyes to be greeted by white walls.

She sat up when she realized she was in an infirmary.

She noticed the boy but he had a smile plastered on his face.

His hair was white and when he stood up he was tall.

He wore a white button-up shirt with slacks and dress shoes.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked over while smiling.

"Hey... you're finally awake... um, you fainted so TY Hyung had me bring you here to rest until you woke up, what was it about if I may ask?"

Nabi swallowed and swung her legs off the bed so Jungwoo could sit next to her.

"I wanna know who you are first..."

"Me? I'm nobody special... I'm one of the Medics here... I'm Kim Jungwoo"

"Lee Nabi... I think... Taeyong? Is that his name?"

Jungwoo nodded and got up walked over to a sink and opened a cupboard to grab a glass.

"I'm listening"

Jungwoo said as he turned on the faucet and filled the cup when Nabi spoke again.

"Well... as far as I know, WinWin and... Yuta...? I know those two... they were part of the team that kidnapped me-"

"No no no, I don't think you understand... Nabi... you weren't kidnapped... we were saving your life from someone putting a hit on you..."

Jungwoo walked back over with the glass of water and gave it to Nabi who smiled and took it but that smile quickly faded.

"Like a hitman was gonna assassinate me?"

"You've 'held' another Mafia group member 'hostage' inside that psychiatric hospital and you're 'brainwashing' her from what I've heard at least"

Nabi frowned a bit and took a sip of the water.

"That place is to just help seriously mentally ill patients... her name was Shin Ryujin... she never even talked to me... she sent me glares, tried breaking the glass between us, she..."

Nabi shuddered at the thought of Ryujin burning holes through her skull.

"T-Taeyong said you guys were dangerous and notorious criminals... he said I couldn't leave now... what if I need to defend myself..? I've never held a gun in my life, only with the help of my dad when we went to the shooting range when I was a little girl... then he mysteriously disappeared and I was put in foster care.."

Jungwoo hesitantly put his hand on her back and rubbed in a circular motion.

"Wanna tell me what your dad was like?"

Jungwoo then got up a second time to get a first aid kit to clean the open wound on Nabi's cheek.

He came back over and sat next to her, setting the first aid kit on the ground and opening it up while searching for what he needed.

"Well... I was a daddy girl definitely... my mom abandoned me at birth so my dad stepped up, and earned full custody over me, he worked two jobs and my best friend Yuri since birth... her mom watched over me while my dad was at work"

Jungwoo smiled and nodded and turned Nabi's head to look at her and gently swabbed over her cut with a cotton ball, she hissed and flinched a bit.

"It's just a cotton ball... continue"

Nabi nodded a little before continuing about her dad while Jungwoo treated her cut.

"He was the sweetest guy you could imagine... he took me to throw axes, shoot guns at the shooting range... he'd take me to the fair every year... he took me to the park on his days off... he snuggled me to sleep every night when he picked me up from Yuri's house.."

Nabi smiled and Jungwoo wiped her eyes and smiled right back at her.

"You miss him?"

Nabi nodded and hugged Jungwoo, besides Yuri... nobody ever really listened.

Jungwoo liked listening to problems, mainly so that in the future, he could choose his words wisely and not cause a trigger.

Jungwoo hugged Nabi back and smiled while hanging his arms around her waist.

"You're not gonna go missing while you're here with us... TY Hyung will make sure of it.."

Jungwoo grabbed a bandage lifted Nabi's head and put it over the cut.

"Be sure to let that cut air out tonight while you sleep, but clean it or come back and let me clean it"

Next thing the two know they let go of each other because of how close in contact they were and there was knocking on the door.

"Hyung! Open this damn door before I break it down!"

Jungwoo chuckled and got up walking to the door.

He unlocked it and opened it to reveal a boy with fluffy navy blue hair, he had an undercut which was mildly attractive.

"Ah! Jeno? What's up?"

"Well guess what Hyung?"


"You get to leave for Japan for three days, someone else has to watch over the pretty girl and it's surely not gonna be me"

Jungwoo frowned and scratched his neck.

"Ask Renjun or Haechan or even Jaemin"

"Okay first off... Renjun and Jaemin are going on the mission with you, and so is Yuta... Haechan and... Nabi... wouldn't get along, why? Because Haechan has a temper so I'm settling with either WinWin or Johnny"

"We're going Haechan, I don't care what you have to say... maybe she can knock some sense into that boy"

Jungwoo looked at Nabi and smiled.

"C'mon, let me introduce you to Haechan"

Nabi nodded and got up to follow the boys Jeno and Jungwoo to find this Haechan guy who was playing cards with another boy.

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