016 - Figure You Out

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Nabi ran up the stairs, banging on her best friends door.

Yuri being as sleepy as she was, groggily walked towards her door and as soon as she opened it, Nabi pushed her way inside. That woke Yuri up.

"What? What?!"

Nabi hugged Yuri tightly. She was shaking and she kept almost collapsing so Yuri locked her door as tightly as she could and she sat on the floor with Nabi.

"What happened? Speak... slowly Nabi.."

Nabi took a few deep breaths and she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I escaped them Yuri.."

Nabi said and laughed kind of like a maniac.

Yuri held her hands and rubbed her knuckles.

"Who is them Nabi?"

"The notorious NCT gang.."

Yuri pulled her best friend in for a hug and she rubbed her back.

"Fuck... I should've walked with you.."

Nabi finally broke down in tears and Yuri just sat there on the floor with her and comforted her.

Nabi explained the whole situation and Yuri understood fully.

"Those bastards... how about tomorrow, I take you out, we get you a make over"

Nabi sniffles and wiped her nose and nodded. She had to look different if she wanted to live a normal life.

So that next day Yuri took Nabi out and chopped off her beautiful long hair to a short cute version.

Nabi was feeling under pressure because she was so scared that the boys would find her.

Nabi moved in with Yuri and she felt safe and she had her cat Hina back.

Nabi was scrolling through her social media silently on her bed while Yuri was at work. She has been unable to sleep for days now.

Restless days turned into restless nights that turned into weeks and months.

Haechan sat on his bed and lit a cigarette. He's been contemplating his feelings. He really likes Nabi. He's just scared of commitment.

Haechan exhales with a sigh and takes another drag off his cigarette. He opened Instagram to see the first thing on his feed was Nabi.

She had a smile on her face but the picture was old. She hasn't posted since she ran away.

Haechan threw his phone on his bed and laid back

//imagine a cool transition through the wall//

Johnny was at his bulletin board trying to pinpoint with red strings where Nabi could be.

He didn't want to hurt her. He missed his younger sister figure and he wanted her to come back

Going to Taeyong. He was beyond frustrated with everything going on. It seems ever since Nabi escaped, the team went to shit and fell apart.

He had to do something, anything to get Nabi back under his wing for his teams sake.

A day passed and Johnny came into Taeyong's office and laid out a map in front of him.

"I've figured her out, depending the time of day, I've pinpointed some possible locations where she may be"

Taeyong stood up and took a good look at the map and a wide grin plastered on his face.

"This is dangerously clever Johnny, good work... now it's just to break into small groups and sweep all those locations"

"I'm telling you, going to the club will be good for you! You'll finally be able to let loose of all that anxiety, even for a night!"

Yuri pleaded for Nabi to go with her and she finally gave in and accepted to go, sending Yuri's excitement through the roof.

Later that night the two girls were sitting at the bar. Nabi was in nice slacks and a blouse. She didn't want to attract attention to herself.

Yuri excused herself to go dance, leaving Nabi alone with her drink. Nabi looked back at Yuri before she looked towards the door and saw a couple of familiar faces enter.

She examined them one by one before she got up and sprinted to the washroom, clearly drawing attention from the boys who entered.

Johnny looked around and saw a girl run to the washroom and he looked at the boys, Taeyong, Kun and Jaehyun who scattered to look for her.

Johnny approached Yuri on the dance floor and pulled her aside.

"What the-"

"Shut it"

Johnny said sternly and he sighed, taking out his phone he pulled up a picture of Nabi.

"Do you know this girl?"

Yuri looked at the picture then at Johnny and back at the picture before she crossed her arms, playing dumb.

"Wow... I recognize her but I have no clue who she is"

Johnny sighed and pushed Yuri up against the wall, towering over her by over a foot and he leaned down to her level.

"Don't play stupid Yuri, where is Nabi...?"

Yuri's eyes seemed to fill with fear and she pointed towards the washroom.

"Thank you.."

Johnny gave her a smile and let go of her and made his way over to Taeyong, whispering where she was to him.

Yuri sprinted to the washroom and busted in.

"Nabi! You need to leave! Now!"

"What do you think I'm doing? Open damnit!!!"

Nabi kicked the door open and she ran out, pulling Yuri with her and they ran out onto the streets.

Gunshots were heard inside the club and then the 4 horsemen came out, revealing themselves.

Taeyong held his gun out and he heard police sirens and he pointed it at Nabi.

"Come on now, let's go Nabi, there is no more running"

Nabi backed up when someone grabbed her from behind and held a gun towards Yuri.

"Let's go princess"

Haechan said as he backed up with his arm around Nabi. Gunshots were heard, making everyone flinch.


Kun yelled out and pulled Jaehyun and Taeyong and started running, leaving Johnny.

Johnny looked at the two girls then at Haechan.

"Get them out of here... now!"

"No!!! Johnny!!!"

Nabi screamed as Haechan put his gun away and grabbed Yuri and drug the two to an alleyway and watched at Johnny distracted the police by surrendering himself and getting slammed against the police car and cuffed.

His weapons getting dropped from his body and he was soon getting taken away, more than likely back to the penitentiary prison.

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