006 - UNO and Another Asshole

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"You're fucking cheating Doyoung!!"

A boy with chocolate tan skin yelled and whined while he picked up more cards since he and the boy 'Doyoung' were playing UNO.

"Hush up Haechan! Do you want Jaehyun to come and yell at us for being too loud again? While other members are working?"

Jungwoo, Jeno, and Nabi approached the two and Jungwoo cleared his throat making the two boys look at him.

"Hi Hyung!"

The boy with tan skin beamed like a ray of sunshine to Jungwoo, his moods changed quickly from what I'd seen.

"Hi Hyuck, this is Nabi... you'll be watching over her until we can find someone permanent"

Haechan looked at the girl next to Jungwoo, he frowned and scoffed.

"I'm not babysitting some little girl"

Jungwoo raised his hand.

"That's not a question... it's an order..."

Haechan rolled his eyes and kicked his feet up onto the desk.

"Why should I listen?"

"Should I go get WinWin to deal with him?"

Jeno asked Jungwoo but he waved it off.

"I'm not asking... Taeyong gave me the order"

That snapped inside Haechan and he kicked his feet back down onto the floor.

"Fine... don't expect me to be nice"

"Good, now take this poor girl to get her belongings and her cat"

"You suck Jungwoo"

He said and got up, he spared one glance at Nabi before he scoffed and grabbed his car keys off of the desk.

He started to walk away when he noticed Nabi wasn't following him.

He turned around and looked her dead in the eye.

"Are you coming or not?"

Nabi stuttered and ran to catch up with Haechan who kept walking.

"Who are you? Why did Taeyong bring such a pathetic girl like you to a dangerous place like this?"

"Why do you care?"

"I ask the questions here... now fucking answer them"

Nabi rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"I'm Lee Nabi and I don't know what Taeyong wants with me.."

Haechan chuckled and unlocked his car, he got inside and Nabi was hesitant but she got in anyway.

"So... where we goin princess?"

Haechan asked and looked over at Nabi, leaning his head back onto headrest of his seat.

Nabi will admit, he was mildly attractive, his hair was fluffy, blonde, and in his eyes.

He was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt, he had moles and freckles covering his neck, collarbone, and face.

His cheeks were chubby and his skin was nice chocolate tan.


She was just staring at him, he stuck his tongue out to wet his dried plump lips and he tilted his head.

"So? Spill the address"

Nabi mentally slapped herself and looked at the GPS pulled up on the little screen in Haechan's car.

She typed in her address and pulled up the directions.

"So... how old are you?"

Nabi asked slowly as Haechan pulled out.

"You don't need to know personal information, how old are you?"

Nabi scoffed and leaned her head against the window.

"I'm 18... I got an internship at a psychiatric hospital about a year ago and I got hired full-time a few months back"

"I didn't ask, nor do I care"

"You're an asshole... I'd rather be stuck with WinWin than you"

"So you're saying you'd put your life in the hands of someone who can't control their sanity compared to someone who can?"

"Just fucking shut up"

"Suit yourself, princess..."

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