014 - What Really Happened?

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"Oh my god, they were roommates"

Johnny said and Mark was busting up laughing... that was until Nabi sat down in front of them. She was clearly upset.

"Hey Nabi, what happened?"

"He fucked me"

Nabi said as she held herself in shame.

"We got drunk and I let him fuck me.."

Mark and Johnny looked at each other before both scooting closer on either side of Nabi like girls at a girl's night.

"You guys got drunk?"

Johnny asked and Nabi nodded.

"Haechan? Lee Donghyuck, he... wow.."

Mark said and he scratched his head.

"Fuck... he fumbled you by doing that.."

"Yeah he did"

Johnny responded to Mark and rubbed Nabi's back.

"And he was so disgusted..."

Nabi said through her shaky voice. Her bottom lip puffed out and Johnny made her look at him. He wasn't much of a hugger but for Nabi, it was like a little sister bond he never had.

He opened his arms and Nabi instantly hugged him. Johnny hugged her back and continued to rub her back.

"I feel so disgusting... he left so many disgusting marks on me..."

Johnny and Mark extremely bad for Nabi. They knew this was exactly a Haechan thing to do.

"You can sleep in my bed tonight"

Johnny said and Nabi looked at him and shook her head.

"I couldn't do that to you... where are you gonna sleep?"

Johnny shrugged and looked at Mark.

"Hey Mark"

Mark put his hands up and chuckled.

"My room is always open bro, I got drinks and games and food"

Johnny smile and nodded.

"I'll have Kun collect your belongings later and take them to my room... I think you and Haechan both need to blow off some steam... speaking of steam..."

Johnny said and looked at the microwave and he got up and came back with a bowl of Ramen and pushed it towards Nabi.

"I was gonna eat it but I still feel full from breakfast so you need to eat something"

Nabi gave a silent thank you to Johnny as she ate. Mark pat her back before he told Johnny he was gonna go and get some work done.

Johnny gave a small nod.

"Nabi... you know... you remind me of someone"

Nabi looked at Johnny as he continued speaking.

"My little sister... she acts exactly like you... a hot head but sensitive once you get through to her"

Johnny said and tucked Nabi's hair behind her ear.

"I'm gonna treat you like my little sister starting now... maybe we got off on the wrong foot and I pulled a gun on you but I'm one person you can always rely on for things you need"

Nabi felt more tears in her eyes. Her brothers always bullied her, always the odd one out of her and her three older brothers. She hugged Johnny and she sobbed out softly.

"Thank you..."

She said softly and Johnny rubbed her back.

"I'm here.."

Johnny said and pat her back before turning her back to her food.

"Now eat before it gets cold, I'm not going anywhere"

Johnny pulled his clipboard and papers over to where he was sitting and he worked on those while Nabi ate her food.

An hour passed. The two of them were still in the cafeteria and Nabi was on her social media. She glanced over at Johnny who was reading and writing stuff down at the same time.

"Can you tell me a story?" Nabi asked Johnny who stopped working. He set his pen down and looked at Nabi.

"What type of story?"


Nabi said and her eyes lit up. Johnny chuckled and sighed, turning his body to face Nabi before he spoke.

"Before we built this bunker into what it was today, we were all locked up for a crime we've committed, I was doing drug distribution and rationing... trafficking, that shitty stuff, I ran with Taeyong even before getting put in prison... we got fucked in a deal and the police came and shot up the entire place, it was a mess but the time they were able to get Taeyong and I in cuffs"

Nabi nodded as she followed Johnny's story.

"So we get taken into the Busan jail and interrogated for hours about God knows what, I didn't care back then... we went to our trial and found guilty, this is where the blood comes in, we get exported to Seoul's penitentiary prison which should be impossible to break out of but here we are... we met Jaehyun and Kun who were already in there, linked up with them, got the name the 4 Horsemen, I was the muscle out of the 4 of us so you can imagine how many fights I've been in... Taeyong had this amazing plan, it was supposed to be just us 4 breaking out originally but Mark caught wind and then told Chenle, Chenle being the loud mouth told everyone else about our plan and Taeyong had no choice but to break all of us out. A tied up and shot a couple guards that night and when I mean a couple, I mean roughly 60"

Nabi's eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

"We had good contacts outside in Seoul who helped us get out. I ended up getting shot in the process.."

Johnny said and pulled up his shirt and pointed out the bullet wound scar that has a tattoo around it like it's a beauty mark.

"Haechan had gotten beat pretty badly that night too so... he barely made it out alive... without the help of Taeyong and the convincing of Jaehyun, not all of us would've been here today... if it were up to me, I would still be locked up"

Nabi listened intently before she spoke to him.

"I'm so sorry you guys went through that... if I knew... I wouldn't have been so mean... to any of you.."

Johnny shook his head and waved it off.

"We all have pretty tough skin down here, anyway... I'll show you my room, let's go"

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