010 - Storytime in the Canteen

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"It was 7th grade..."

Nabi thought long and hard about what he and Haechan would look like as little 7th-grade kids.

"It was finals week to see if we would pass and go to the 8th grade"

Haechan sat at his desk with a pencil twirling along his fingertips. He moved to Seoul from Jeju Island right as finals started so he was already stressed enough considering he couldn't even catch up to the advanced level of the class he was in.

"I sat in the back of the class, Haechan sat in the very front, diagonal of my left so I was able to see him"

Haechan stared at the final paper, hand written exam in front of him. His hands were sweaty and the clock ticking was loud, making his head pound from how little time he felt he had left on the exam.

"He sat there for the first 30 minutes of the exam..."

Jaemin looked at Haechan and with pity in his eyes He scoffed.

"I pity this poor guy sometimes for what type of hell school put him through, all the bullying, dietary foods he ate to lose weight, being put in the stupid kid classes for not passing his classes as he did back at Jeju Island... the only thing he was good at was pickpocketing others and getting into fist fights... he was lucky to graduate... the school board wanted to kick him out and he wouldn't have had anywhere else to go"

Haechan scratched his head as he exhaled heavily, staring at the answers he'd put down for the first 3 questions. That was 3 down, 97 more to go.

Haechan's head kept getting worse and worse.

"I saw that he started to get dizzy in his seat, he was swaying and his head started to bob up and down"

Haechan felt his head getting heavier with each passing second. His vision was blurring in and out of focus. He dropped his pencil onto the floor by accident and he looked down and reached to grab it when he felt static in his body and he...

"Fell out of his seat, he started seizing badly and I was the first one"

Jaemin was the first to act on Haechan seizing. He hopped over his desk and ran over to Haechan who was shaking violently and foaming from the mouth.

Jaemin grabbed Haechan's head off the floor so he wouldn't hit it and he held his hands under his head.

Jaemin scoffed and shook his head.

"All the other students just sat there and murmured the entire time. The teacher was the only one doing something and she called the ambulance"

Jaemin heard the students murmuring to each other as the teacher was in the middle of freaking out and calling the ambulance.

Jaemin whispered soft words to Haechan, telling him to try to breathe even though he knew he couldn't hear him.

"I got so much respect from everyone in that school... saving Haechan's life was kinda how he and I became friends in the first place... anyone who fucked with him was fucking with me as well"

Jaemin soon heard the ambulance from a distance and he saw Haechan starting to open his eyes slowly. He looked around and grabbed a water bottle from some kid's backpack


Jaemin glared at the kid who shut up in an instant. He opened the bottle for Haechan and he held Haechan's head up.

"Drink something Hyung"

Jaemin said and Haechan looked at Jaemin very groggily before he got help to drink the water that was being forced down his throat.

Jaemin cleared his throat and he sighed, looking at Nabi.

"Nobody messed with Haechan when I was around and... I guess Haechan just kinda learned from me as time passed"

Nabi felt pity for Haechan. The way Jaemin explained the story seemed like Haechan went through a lot growing up.

"I'm so sorry he had to go through all of that..."

Nabi finally said and Jaemin stood up, putting the chair back where he found it.

"He's a good guy... he just has really tough skin"

Jaemin said as he returned to Jungwoo.

Nabi looked at Haechan who looked like he wasn't waking up anytime soon.

She stood up and looked at the clock.

"I'm gonna go find Taeyong, and see what I can get for lunch"

Jungwoo gave a thumbs up and Jaemin smiled at her before she left the room she walked towards the office that belonged to Taeyong and she knocked.

"Who is it?"

"It's Nabi"

Taeyong looked up from his papers as the door opened, revealing Nabi to enter and shut the door behind her.

"I'm hungry, I don't know where you guys keep food in this place"

Taeyong took off his glasses and he set them on his desk.

"I'm surprised someone hasn't shown you to the canteen yet"


Nabi tilted her head a bit. She didn't go to school in Korea for very long in high school, maybe a year and she never heard a lunch room or a cafeteria get called a canteen.

"Have you lived under a rock your entire life?"

She shook her head and sighed.

"Look here Taeyong, I went to school in Australia, it was a cafeteria or a lunch room... no... it was called a... tuck shop"

She said the last two words in English, her heavy Australian accent sounding almost not real.

"A tuck shop?"

Taeyong asked and Nabi nodded.

"Yeah, it was for the kids who had no money and had to stand in line for food, others bought from the school's snack shack"

"Well... the canteen is the same thing as a snack shack or a tuck shop, come on"

Taeyong stood up, slipping off his leather jacket and the heels of his dress shoes clicked against the hard floor as he walked to the door and opened it. He let Nabi go first before following out behind her and shutting the door.

"This way"

Taeyong said and led Nabi to the canteen and she was amazing. It was much nicer compared to anything she was used to.

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