The first time they flirted

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They had to be quiet once they had entered his apartment and Vanessa found herself missing their bickering. They left their shoes in the hallway - his roommates would know that she was here, after all - and only when they were in his room, they started talking in hushed voices again.

With an inviting smile, he gestured her to step in.

"Home sweet home", he looked at her expectingly again, as if he waited for her approval.

Vanessa shortly looked around the room as not to seem like she was too interested. But she was definitely gonna snoop later if he would leave her to go to the bathroom or something.

And her first impression of the room made her smile. It was nice. Tidy, but lived in. Mostly dark, but not excessively so. It kinda fit to him. And ist also smelled incredibly good.

His bed was not made, but Vanessa never made her bed, either. She envied the people that had so much self-discipline.

And there was the couch she was gonna sleep on today. It didn't look new, but it was clean and seemed soft. The sight reminded her that she was actually tired and she looked forward to sleeping on it now.

"It's nice," she voiced out her first thought then. Vann smiled at that, let out a breath and walked further into the room.

There was an oak wardrobe on the opposite side of the room and Vann stopped directly in front of it.

"I reckon you wanna take a shower? You must've walked through the rain for an eternity before I found you," he said while rummaging through his clothes.

After a few seconds he held a big T-Shirt in his hands and held it up to examine it. When he was satisfied, he nodded and refocused on his wardrobe.

Only when he had both the T-Shirt and a basketball short in his hands, he turned back to Vanessa and looked at her questioningly.

Just then she realized that she hadn't actually answered him, yet. Because she was too busy watching him. And looking at him still, he knew that. She cringed.

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea," Vanessa eventually answered and took the clothes Vann held out to her.

"There are clean towels in the bathroom," he said before she took her leave and closed the door behind her.

He hadn't actually told her where the bathroom was, but she knew it had to be behind one of the two half open doors.

She sneaked to the nearest one and looked inside. It was a rather small room with just enough space for a TV, a couch and coffee table. A door led to a balcony.

So, not the bathroom, but the living room.

She had more luck with the second open room and hurriedly she put Vann's clothes on the shelf next to the toilet before locking the door.

She tried to ignore the fact that there was another couch in the living room. It meant that she didn't have to sleep in Vann's room and she knew if she would ask him if she could sleep there instead, he would immediately say yes.

So, like the self-sabotaging girl that she was, Vanessa tried to pretend that she never even looked in the room and just never knew that there was another couch she could sleep on.

And she also wouldn't think about why she did that.

She sighed then and with great regret she started to peel off Vann's sweater followed by her pants and underwear.

She stepped into the shower, turned on the faucet and just let herself enjoy the hot stream of water for a second. It felt good against her skin.

There was a shower caddy with three levels. She paused for a second and only let herself think about it for a moment before proceeding to open and smell every Shampoo she could find. If she had to smell like one of the three boys, she would make sure it would be her man.

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