The first time they kissed

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It felt like she had only closed her eyes for two minutes when she woke up again, apparently from feeling thirsty. It was no surprise, though. Normally she chugged two full glasses of water before going to bed in the evening and she hadn't done that that night.

Vanessa felt incredibly comfortable on that couch and couldn't even bear the thought of standing up, but she wouldn't be able to think about anything else than her thirst until she got some water inside of her.

It was already 5 o'clock. She would be able to go to sleep after that, but definitely not for long. She didn't know how she would survive the next day on so little sleep.

But she had to drink something.

So, with a small sigh and a short glance at her roommate she threw off the blanket and made her way to the bathroom.

She had no idea where the kitchen was and wasn't so keen as to stumble in someone else's bedroom (that would be so awkward) so the bathroom sink had to do.

She didn't have a glass, either. 

That thought made her stop and she shortly contemplated waking up Vann, but it didn't seem worth it for she could just use her hands.

And if she drank enough water now, she wouldn't wake up a second time. At least that was what she hoped.

So, after a few gulps of water and a spontaneous use of the toilet just in case, she was ready to fall back asleep. She always was cold when she was tired and she couldn't wait to get back in her bed for the night.

Yawning she went to open the door she previously left ajar, but startled when she felt a resistance. And then a quiet, "ouch."

Vanessa froze for a second before the door opened fully and revealed a sleepy Vann.

He took a step back and she went inside the room.

He closed the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Vanessa whispered hurriedly because she felt only that fitted the situation. She took a step toward Vann and extended her hand to Vann's nose as if to check that everything was alright. But before their skin could make any contact, she retracted her hand. After all, she didn't even know it was his nose that had bumped into the door.

"Don't worry about it. Are you okay, though? I woke up and you weren't there." The last part almost sounded accusing.

He took a step toward her, as well.

"I just got up, because I was feeling thirsty. I'm fine," she tried to sound annoyed by his almost accusation, but really, she found it kind of amusing. And kind of endearing.

His entire face changed at her answer and he looked alarmed. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry. I should've asked you if you wanted a glass of water when we went to sleep," he murmured guiltily.

She wanted to ease his worry and so decided to put her hand on his arm, after all.

"Oh, don't sound so concerned about that, Vann. It's really not that big of a deal."

He scrunched his nose, unconvinced.

"Vann," she just said then, but it really meant stop it, this is not a thing you should be so annoyed about.

He sighed and caved in, "I know it's silly, but... I don't know, I wanted to make you feel good and make everything perfect for you, even if it was just for this one night." He looked away embarrassed.

But his words made her feel warm and just for a second she let her think about what it would feel like to be with Vann. To completely let her guard down and let herself be taken care of. To let him make her feel good. To let him bring her a glass of water for the night.

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