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"Here you go, one cappuccino and one coffee," the barista said and handed Vanessa the two drinks.

With their drinks in one hand and her phone in the other she made her way back to the little table in the back of the café where Vann was waiting for her.

Vann's left foot was nervously tapping on the ground.

"I swear, you don't need to be nervous. It's impossible to not love you," Vanessa said, trying to soothe his nerves. She sat down in front of him.

Vanessa and Vann were on their way back to her home town so she could introduce her boyfriend. Her parents and him had already talked on the phone, but it had been time for a meeting in real life.

So, for spring break they had decided to visit them and now they were back at the café in the airport where they had met all this time ago. They hadn't even consciously decided coming here, but they had left Vann's apartment at 5o'clock and were in dire need of some caffeine.

Vann smiled a small smile in response and grabbed her hand. "You're probably right. Can't control my nerves, though."

She definitely could relate to that and decided a different approach.

"Seems like I need to distract you, then," she whispered cheekily and got up to sit next to Vann.

Vann observed her carefully, curious to see what she was up to. In truth, she hadn't some great masterplan, but she didn't need that anyway.

Still a smile on her lips, she lifted her mouth to Vann's and kissed him.

She  didn't know how often they had kissed in the last year, but it never ceased to make her feel like she was floating. All thoughts of stress were nonexistent when she was him, when she was kissing him and she hoped it was the same for Vann.

He sighed contentedly.

After a few seconds they came up for air.

"Did it work?"

"Did what work?" Vann asked jokingly and with a huge smile adorning his lips. 

Vanessa giggled. She loved how silly he was sometimes and pecked his lips.  

When they parted again, he said, "I'll never get tired of that. I love you, Vanessa."

She cuddled up to him and looked into his eyes. "I love you, too."

So much had happened since Vanessa had last been here. She still couldn't believe how lucky she got. Vann was the best boyfriend she could've ever asked for and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with him. 

She still remembered how miserable she felt leaving the café that day. Today she was more excited than anything and so thankful for everything that had happened.

They stared a moment longer in to their eyes like the lovesick puppies they were, before it was time to leave the café.

Though, this time around they left together. 



Thank you for reading! I adore every single one of you that got through to the end:) I hope you enjoyed it.

Would love to hear your thoughts^^

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