3 | [name]'s first day

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"good lord." i murmur to myself as i walk through the front gates of rakuzan highschool. my mom told me they're a pretty prestigious school, hopefully they have a prestigious girls basketball team.

i take another look at the schedule my mom had gotten from the school for me yesterday. finding my classes could be a struggle. this school is huge. much bigger than the one i went to back in america. one of my periods seems to be empty. i've been given a free period.

everyone seems to be really excited to see eachother again. i pass groups of girls as i make my way to the school. they all greet eachother enthusiastically.

i wander through the front doors. there are lockers, but i don't think i'm going to use them. i usually just carry all of my things with me.

i begin searching for my first class. once i find it i go in and sit down. this is my home room. there isn't any teacher present yet. i sit quietly, minding my own business as students begin to trickle into the classroom, most of them coming in in groups.

at eight the teacher comes in and begins speaking to everyone. i'm assuming he's saying hello, then he must introduce himself, because he writes something on the board and i can kind of read it. after we had finished moving in my mother had started teaching me how to read and write kanji. i don't know most of it yet, but it's a start.

i decide to just zone out instead of worrying about paying attention. someone does catch my eye though, only because he has bright red hair, and because he sits right in front of me. he also seems to be pretty smart because he's answering my of the questions the teacher is asking.

when class ends, he takes the math review package that was handed to us, and then leaves.

i then grab my own package and leave after him. i don't want him to feel like i'm stalking him to i turn down another hallway towards the back of the school. i'd like to find the gyms. i have my free period now, so i can walk around until i find it.

i exit the school out of the back door. as soon as i exit there's a straight path through large buildings which must be gyms. i can also turn left or right. now i just have to find the entrance, and hope it's open.

i decide to go left, and it looks like the door to the gym is open. i poke my head inside. no one is occupying it, so i don't see why i can't look around.

i step carefully into the gym, it feels illegal to be loud. it's just like any other gym. six baskets and storage closets, maybe the floors are nicer. i don't know why i expected more. maybe because my mom said the school was prestigious.

i make my way to the middle of the court so i can take a better look around. the stands are up above, i guess so people can come in and watch games and not be a nuisance to the people on the court.

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