15 | [name]'s second kiss

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mid december. i like december. it's different back in america though. there isn't any snow in japan as of yet, but it is cold. i like the cold too. you cant cover yourself in multiple blankets in the summer, but you can in the winter.

i think akashi and i have been dating for like a week and a half now? i haven't really been keeping track. things haven't changed much. we still act the same as we did before when we were just friends, we just do couple things. and when we go out together it's actually considered going on a date.

kuroda and a few of the other girls on the team seem kind of upset about the relationship. they refuse to acknowledge my presence unless i'm actually on the court with them.

i have recently made friends with a few of the girls on my team, my japanese has gotten to the point where i can make pretty good conversation. i still hangout with akashi for the most part though.

we're even more inseparable than before. we essentially go everywhere together. if i don't have practice a night he has practice, i'll watch his practice with the fangirls that come to ogle at him and the rest of his team. sometimes i feel the urge to make fun of drunk people at the bars that like the streets on my walk home. akashi comes with me. he doesn't actually make fun of the drunk people with me though. he usually orders water and offers it to anyone who looks like they're at risk of alcohol poisoning, in hopes of sobering them up. when akashi's dad drags him to business meetings i get to tag along. i don't actually get to sit in the room where the meeting is happening, but i get to sit outside of the room and wait for akashi to come back out.

he's surprisingly affectionate. you wouldn't expect him to be based off his demeanour, but he's even touchier than i am.

our love languages are completely different. i opt for gift giving, while akashi's love language seems to be physical touch. i don't mind at all. it might not be my way of showing affection but his touch is comforting.

we sit on the floor together in my bedroom. akashi's head rests comfortably in my lap.

i had decided that instead of shopping in person for posters to put up on my walls i would just buy them online and print out magazine covers.

right now i'm trimming the edges of my prints and ripping the posters out of their packages. i have walls chosen for all of them.

i look down to check on akashi. his eyes are closed, but i don't think he's actually sleeping. i need to move, my legs are getting sore, and i need to put up my posters. i put down my scissors and nudge him gently.

his eyes flutter open. "yes?" he asks.

"i need to get up, i'm sorry." i reply, giving him an apologetic smile.

he shakes his head. "no worries, darling. would you like me to help you put those up?" he gestures at the pile of posters and papers to the right of me.

i look at the pile an eventually nod in response. "yes please. if you don't mind."

he lifts himself into a sitting position, before taking a few posters of various sizes and moving to the spot i had said i was going to put them up. he's also a good listener.

i pick up the rest of the posters and sit beside him on my bed.

we scatter them neatly, but randomly, along the walls. akashi's better at putting them up straight than i am, so i eventually give up and let him do the rest. i simply sit beside him and watch him work in silence.

once he finishes one wall he moves past me and starts the next, taking over where i left off. he works quickly but the results are neat and pretty.

"thanks sejuro! now i can take aesthetic bedroom pictures." i smile, looking at my walls. my room back in america didn't even come close to looking this good.

"it's no problem my love." he pauses and stares at me. i pretend not to notice because i don't like making eye contact with people. "have you had your first kiss, [name]?"

i go stiff. i did not want akashi to ask about this. "well technically i have.." i'm now sweating nervously. this is extremely embarrassing. "do you know what spin the bottle is, sejuro?" i ask, glancing sideways at him.

"i believe i do, yes."

"in fourth grade, i was at my friends cottage with some other kids from our school." i begin, picking at my fingers. "we decided to play spin the bottle out on the dock, because our parents couldn't see us out there."

"naturally." akashi almost laughs.

"i decided to play one round, felt like gambling. well a boy spin the bottle and it landed on me." i purse my lips, wincing as i recall the memory. "i had my first kiss under water akashi. underwater. and it wasn't those magical kisses that happen in the movies. it was gross and our lips barely touched because i had to plug my nose." i cover my face to hide my embarrassed expression.

"how about we forget that and make this you first kiss?" akashi murmurs, lifting a hand to grasp my chin.

he lifts my face out of my hands and leans in, closing the gap between us. our lips connect for a few moments, before he pulls away from me, breaking the contact.

i nod. "yes please. i would like that."



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