10 | [name] meets the miracles

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today is the day i get to meet akashi's friends. it's been a week since our games against the seirin teams, and akashi and i have decided that my japanese is finally good enough to talk to his friends. he did say that he would translate anything i didn't understand though.

i cant tell what i'm more excited for. this or halloween. rakuzan is holding a festival for halloween, and akashi promised he would take me. he also promised that we could dress in halloween costumes.

akashi and i sit quietly together in the backseat of his car. i'm pretty nervous. i'd like to make a good impression on these people, and i'd really like them to like me.

"don't worry [name]. they're going to love you." akashi reassures me, basically reading my mind.

i nod and smile at him. he seems to just always know everything.

akashi told me we're meeting at a fair just outside of tokyo. i didn't think there would be any more fairs taking place this time of year, but i guess there's one more before winter.

i wonder what the rides at this fair will be like. it kind of varies between different fairs. some fairs are mainly roller coasters, while other fairs are not roller coasters. i like both, so it doesn't really matter to me.

as we drive down the road i spot a ferris wheel out the front window. i tap on akashi's shoulder frantically, pointing at the ferris wheel. "are we here?" i ask.

the answer probably should have been obvious. "yes, [name]. we are here." he smiles a little at my excitement.

he takes his phone out of his pocket and begins typing. i take in what akashi is wearing. he looks much more formal than i do. i opted for cargo pants and a large zip up, while akashi is wearing a clean sweater vest with straight legged black pants. he looks very dapper.

"everyone's already here. they're waiting for us by the merry go round." akashi sighs, and signals for his driver to let us out by the front gates.

i think akashi's driver before getting out, then i follow him to the ticket booth. i hand akashi some money so he can do the talking. he buys us two bracelets so we can ride all the rides, but he doesn't end up using the money i give him. he hands it back to me and motions for me to follow him through the gates. i comply.

i look around the fair grounds in search of the merry go round. it's just now starting to get busy with other people around our age. it seems like teenagers usually show up at night. the sky is orange as the sun is setting.

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