9 | [name] no basket

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it's been another two weeks since i went to bingo with akashi and his grandmother and won a a headset. i haven't taken them off since. listening to to my music with them is a magical experience. i'm currently using them right now as i mentally and emotionally prepare for my first game with my new basketball team.

i cant say i'm nervous. not to toot my own horn but i'm a pretty good player.

both akashi and i have games today, against the seirin teams. according to akashi, they lost to them in a close game at the winter cup last year, but he doesn't know anything about the girls team.

i've been getting a little bit better at having conversations with people, and from the conversations i've had with my teammates it sounds like we will win by twenty. i'm not complaining, but i much prefer closer games. it's more fun when you're worrying about losing.

akashi's game will be close. i'm looking forward to watching his game after my own. we decided to have a sleepover at his house after. my moms working overtime tonight, and i feel a little nervous in my sketchy little apartment.

akashi also told me i would be meeting two of his friends tonight after both our games. maybe they're one the seirin team.

i'm forced to take off my beats as our coach calls us over to talk to us before we warm up. i frown and cradle them in my arms for a moment before i shove them into my basketball bag.

i do my best to make out what she says. it's something along the lines of "use the systems we've been working on, this will be a good opportunity to work on those and use them against competition." i nod along with the rest of my teammates until we go to warm up.

as we begin stretching, i scan the stands in search of akashi. he isn't hard to spot as he sits with the rest of his team, away from everyone who has come to watch the games. it doesn't look like he's talking to anyone. he seems like a pretty antisocial guy, i seem to be the only person he'll put the effort into talking to.

"what are you and akashi?" someone suddenly appears beside me, and she speaks english. this must be the girl akashi mentioned to me before, i don't remember if he told me her name or not.

i shrug. akashi is my friend, why would anyone think we would be anything more than friends? "we're just friends-"

"good." she smiles, cutting me off. now that i think about it, i have seen this girl giggling with her friends about akashi. with that she picks up the pace of her high knees and moves away from me. a confused look finds its way onto my face as i shrug again.

i wonder if akashi likes this girl. he's obviously aware she exists. i'll ask him about it after we play.

we transition into a different drill to warmup. the other team has also changed drills. i wonder who i'll be guarding. i wonder if i'll even get to start.

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