tolerate it.

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this will be based off a taylor swift song and also it will have the lyrics with it too idk how to really explain it soo just read and find out :) also it'll kinda be all over the place 😭
(also i won't be repeating lyrics like the main chorus)

Will's Pov:

I sit and watch you reading with your head low

Mike and I were in his basement during one of our sleepovers, bored out of our minds. I looked over at him and saw he was reading a book. I just sat and watched him, not saying a single word. If I said anything, I'd probably say too much.

I notice everything you do or don't do

Sometimes, I notice Mike glancing at my lips or even "checking me out" or whatever you call that kind of stuff. He's probably just teasing me, though. He'd never think of me the way I think of him. He has El, and I have nothing.

I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed

2:34am is what the clock said when I woke up in the middle of the night after a nightmare I had at our previous sleepover. I looked over at Mike and saw him still, sound asleep. I noticed his breathing and just how perfect he is in general. God, I love that boy.

I sit and watch you, I notice everything you do or don't do

Again, I noticed Mike sneaking glances at me during breakfast. Probably just trying to play some dumb prank on me that him and El came up with. They're like the perfect couple but, they always prank people, a lot. It gets kinda annoying too.

You're so much older and wiser and I

I'm technically older than Mike but with how much wiser he is he seems like the older one. I mean, look at him, He has a girlfriend, he's normal. Something I'll never be.

I wait by the door like I'm just a kid

So many times. I wait for Mike after class. I wait for him everywhere. It's like I'm a little kid. People always tell me I should just grow up.

Use my best colors for your portrait

I had painted a portrait of Mike, as a surprise for him. I thought he would really like it and actually start paying attention to me again. But, I was wrong.

When I gave him the painting he smiled a bit and said "thanks" but the next day when I go with him to Hoppers cabin to see El, it was hanging in her room.

Lay the table with the fancy shit, and watch you tolerate it

My mom had invited over El and Hopper for dinner since she was now dating him and thought that our families should get together more. Of course, El begged Hopper to bring Mike and he eventually let her as long as they didn't make out or anything. Since Mike was coming I tried to make the table look great and the whole house look great, just for him. Of course, he didn't pay attention to that one bit. He just said it was cool and brushed it off.

If it's all in my head tell me now, tell me i've got it wrong somehow

Maybe the whole "Mike not caring about me anymore thing" was just, all in my head. But every time I brought it up he would just give some half assed apology but continue doing it. He never said that I was wrong at all.

I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it

My love for Mike would be anything but celebrated. It would be frowned upon and I'd probably get beat up for it too. I know that Mike knows. But he just decides to tease me about it. He just tolerates it.

I greet you with a battle hero's welcome

Every time I see Mike I greet him and do something nice for him but he just doesn't care one bit.

I take your indiscretions all in good fun

Mike never acknowledges how hard I try to keep our "friendship" alive. If that's even what it is anymore.

I sit and listеn, I polish plates until they gleam and glistеn

I was washing the dishes at Mike's house, like he asked me to. "Make sure they are sparkling clean" is what Mike had told me.

I had been washing the dishes for about 10 minutes and Mike and El were just sitting on the couch laughing their asses off about stuff that wasn't even funny.

While you were out building other worlds, where was I?

While Mike was out there with El, doing absolutely every little thing he could do with her, I was here. All. Alone. The whole party had their own things to do now that we were in high school and I had nothing. No one.

Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?

What happened to the sweet Mike I had met on the swings in Kindergarten? The one who said that asking me to be his friend was the best thing that he had ever done. Where did he go? Now he's replaced with the Mike who doesn't give a shit about anyone but El. Where's the Mike who made me feel safe..

I made you my temple, my mural, my sky

All I want is Mike's attention. That's all I crave. Why did I make Mike absolutely everything to me?

Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life

Mike and I barely talk anymore, so all I can do is beg to know what's going on in his life, because I barely know anymore.

Drawing hearts in the byline, always taking up too much space or time

Every single time I'm around Mike he makes me think I'm taking up too much of his time, especially on sleepovers at first we'll talk a little bit about our lives, mostly about his life then just barely talk for the rest of the sleepover.

You assume I'm fine but what would you do if I, break free and leave us in ruins, took this dagger in me and removed it?

Mike assumes I'm fine every time I look sad. I know that he'll notice it but he'll just assume I'm trying to "get attention" like he's said a few times. Sometimes I really wonder what would happen if I decided to just stop being friends with Mike and stop talking to him entirely. But I can't. I still love him and I don't know why. All he is is an asshole to me.

Gain the weight of you, then lose, believe me I could do it

He thinks I'm too weak to stand up to him and put him in his place for the way that he treats me. I could do it, believe me. The problem is, I still have a soft spot for Mike since I've known him for so long, even though I know he deserves to be yelled at. A lot.

If it's all in my head tell me now, tell me i've got it wrong somehow, I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it

It's not in my head, the way he treats me and everything else. He took everything I gave him for granted. He took my love and used it against me..

I sit and watch you.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts about everything. Back to reality, where I was still at the sleepover with Mike and he was still reading.

I continued to sit there and watch him. Because I know that all he'll ever do is...

Tolerate it.

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