The Journal Pt 2

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Mike's Pov:

I quickly went to the kitchen and acted like I was finding something to eat when I saw Dustin and Will get up to come back inside.

As they were heading back to the stairs Will looked at me and I smiled a bit at him then he turned around and followed Dustin. Holy shit, that was close.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice ask me. Nancy.

"Oh- I- Uhh-" I said nervously looking around for some sort of excuse then I grabbed a banana.

"Justttt... getting something to eatttt." I said trying to act casual.

"Mike, you literally hate bananas. What's going on? Is it something to do with the love of your life aka Will?" Nancy asked smirking. Yes, she knew I liked Will. I didn't even have to tell her. One day while we were talking she randomly was like "Oh yeah I know you're gay and totally in love with Will but don't worry, i'll always be supportive even when you're one of the most stupid and oblivious people I know". It was really random, but i'm just glad she was supportive.

"Nancy!" I whispered shouted.

"What? Am I right or am I right?" She said.

"Ok fine yes. You're right." I said rolling my eyes.

"I knew itttt. Sooo what's going onnn?" She asked moving closer.

"I was eavesdropping on him and Dustin's conversation and he told Dustin that he's gay AND that he likes me." I said.

"Waitttt are you serious??" Nancy asked.

"Yes. But I have no idea what to do now." I said cluelessly.

"Uh- ask. the. boy. out. What else would you do in this situation? Push him in front of a train?" Nancy said putting food in her mouth.

"Nancy. I'm serious." I said getting a little annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm serious too." Nancy said while still chewing the food.

"'Nancy that's gross!" I whispered shouted.

"What? It's my impression of you." She said. She then starting opening her mouth wider and chewing it right in front of me.

"Ew! Ew! Nancy stop!!" I said. This was so gross.

"Now you know how I feel. Anyways, I would suggest just asking him out Mike. No dumb plan just ask him out. The longer you wait, the less chance you have." Nancy said before walking away.

I went back downstairs thinking about everything Nancy just said. I had no idea what to do, still.

Will's Pov:

Entry 2
April 4th 1986

I finally came out to someone today. I came out to Dustin, mostly because he figured it out so I told him. He also picked up on me acting weird around Mike so I told him that I liked Mike too. Right now, everyone's asleep and I'm the only one up. It's 11:23pm. I would go to sleep but I can't just stop thinking about earlier. Mike seemed like he was acting weird while he was in the kitchen after Dustin and I came back inside. What if he heard our conversation? What if he was disgusted by me now? Maybe he was planning to beat me up when I least expect it. This is so stressful. Anyways, that's all for today.

(3 days later)

Mike's Pov:

I was at El's house. Hopper was at work so luckily I didn't have to deal with him. I hadn't told anyone about Will and Dustin's conversation I had overheard but I was about to tell El so she could maybe tell me what to do.

"Soo what is it that you so urgently needed to talk about as soon as possible? Does it have anything to do with your pining over Will?" El asked getting fed up with my stalling.

"Fineee. Soo basically the other day when we all had that sleepover I kinda overheard Dustin and Will's conversation andddd he told Dustin that he was gay and that he liked me soo now I know that he likes me back and I want to ask him out but I have NO idea how to." I said.

"Oh my goddd. Is this what this is about? Mike, it doesn't need to be anything big. Will would be okay with anything small too." El said.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Uh- with our parents dating and always being at each other's houses were basically like siblings so I know him really well, so trust me, you could ask him out in anyway, big or small and he'd love it. As long as it's you, he'd absolutely love it." El said smiling.

"You really think so?" I asked her nervously.

"Absolutely. Now go! Go get your man! Next time I see you, you better have a boyfriend." She said. I nodded and ran out the door and got on my bike and started riding to Will's house.

You can do this.

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