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Bruno paced along the large tree as he waited for Camilo and Mirabel to return with the vision supplies. He felt closed in despite the large open area of Antonio's tree house.

Breathe in.

He couldn't do this. Not just because his gift had fizzled out like a blown candle but because if he had another terrible vision, his sobrinos would hate him.

Breathe out.

He should've said no. He knows he should've said no. Except, one look at the hopeful and scared faces of his sobrinos... and he couldn't.

Breathe in.

"Okay." He couldn't believe he was doing this again, "Okay."

Breathe out.

Antonio looked at him, concerned, "Tío, are you okay?"

Bruno tried to put a brave face on for the five-year-old. He didn't want to scare Antonio more than he already was, "I'm okay."

Antonio just gave him a contemplative look for a moment before running off. Bruno's heart sank as he watched Antonio disappear up his tree.

How did he manage to mess up that interaction so badly?

Before Bruno could continue beating himself up about it, Antonio returned holding a stuffed jaguar. Antonio shyly offered it up to him.

"For the nerves." Antonio said, "He's helped me a lot. He will help you too."


Bruno gave Antonio a soft smile, "Thank you, Antonio."

If he gave the toy a good squeeze, that was between him and Antonio.

"We're back!" Called Mirabel as she and Camilo struggled up the stairs, carrying a sack of sand together, "Sorry we took so long."

Camilo dramatically put a hand on his forehead, "The sand, it's so heavy."

Mirabel rolled her eyes, smacking Camilo's arm. Camilo yelped in response. Their antics almost caused them to drop the bag.

"Here," Bruno said as he took the bag from them, carrying it with ease.

He tried not to shrink under their gazes as they watched him draw a circle with the sand.

"How?" Camilo asked, awed.

Bruno shot him a mischievous grin, "It's not that heavy."

"That is so unfair," Camilo complained.

Bruno snorted, but his amusement died quickly as the circle was finished.

He bit his lip, "Did you get the matches?"

His own had been too soaked to work.

"Yeah," Mirabel said as she took out a matchbox and handed it to Bruno. He thanked her and stood at the centre of the circle, pulling out some leaves he had grabbed from Antonio's tree. He arranged them in three piles on the floor, then, impulsively, he gently set Antonio's jaguar beside him as he sat down.

He took a deep breath before motioning Camilo, Antonio and Mirabel to sit down as well. Once they had settled down, Bruno lit a match and left the leaves smoking.

And then he closed his eyes and searched for the warmth of his gift, only to find a bitter cold left in its place.

He could hear his heart pounding.

"I- I can't," Bruno said after a minute of nothing.

A small hand grabbed his. He looked down to see Antonio smiling at him, "You can do this tío! We believe in you."

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