Chapter four - Joury to Laugtown, Smoker, and dear old dad

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Kei only looked at her crew as they were doing there own things. Gin was keeping watch. Kuro and Nami were planing on how to get to the Grand line in the safest way possible. With the help of Arlong. Sanji was cooking some food. While Zoro was training. Ussop was making knew weapons. She. Was standing at the tip of the sail and main mast. Her eyes closed. Coming to her decision. She jumped down. Silently and delicately landing on the wood. Her emerald green eyes looking to Kuro, Nami, and Arlong as she walked over to them. Once she reached them she spoke scarring all three of them. "I want to go to Laugtown. We need to get supplies before going to the grand line. And." She looked over to Nami. "You need to get a Laugepose if we want to survive." They all nodded. Keiko the shouted out to the others. "ZORO, GIN, USSOP, AND SANJI GET OVER HERE!" The four days did just that. Keiko spoke before any of them did. "Okay. This is how we will do this. Gin, Kuro, and Arlong will stay here. Can't have you leaving the ship you'll draw to much attention. They will not have my bounty yet but they will know my name. So I'll also go out. Sanji you will get food supplies. Such as kitchen utensils, fruits, vegetables, you need it you get it. Nami you get stuff for navigation and extra clothing. Ussop you will get extra supplies. Weapons, wood, tool, and ext. Zoro you will do the same." With that. The crew reached the island and set off.

Kei and her crew had just reached Laugetown. She took in a breath and walked off of the ship. But. Nami got a hold of her. And. Decided to drag her to get a new outfit. Which resulted in a horrified scream from her and amused laughed from her crew. And a Nami grinning like a mad man. While Kei was cursing up a storm. As she was dragged away from the ship by Nami.

Keiko walked around the village. Staying out of sight as best as she could. Mari was in her smallest form and was sitting on her left shoulder while Masako was on her left also in her smaller form. Both being big enough to fit in the palm of her hand by themselves. She had escaped Nami. Who had taken her from shop to shop. Then right before she had left. Nami had made her change into different clothing. She didn't say no. She wore magenta colored gloves. A light brown shirt with sleeves that hung off her arms. She had black shirts with sticking on her legs. On her feet were two black leather boots. She had a dark purple opened jacket with the hood up. Around her neck was the stone of resurrection. She had a dark purple almost black belt with a golden clasp. Her weapons were attached and in there usual spots.

Keiko continued to walk

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Keiko continued to walk. Her hands behind her back as she walked around looking at the different shops. When she over heard a conversation. It was between two marines. She only glanced at them. It was a captain and someone else. It was the famous Captain Smoker. Shit. Was all she could think. She walked away. And his in a near by ally. She pulled out her cloak of invisibility. Well. More like summoned it. She pulled it out and wrapped it around her. Pulling up the hood and disappearing from sight. She walked out of the ally. She followed Smoker. Listening to them as they spoke. Mystic Pirates. So that's what there calling us. She continued to follow them until they reached the docks. She watched as they... mainly Smoker. Took down the other pirates. Realizing that they did not know who she was or what she looked like. She went into a nearby ally. Taking of and dis-summoning the cloak. She then walked away. Ignoring the fact that Smoker had just spotted her. And was know walking after her. She glanced back and snapped her fingers. She was not taking any chances. All lights went out. And. Keiko spun on her heal. A loud crack was heard as she reappeared next to Zoro. Who screamed at the sound. "Why does everyone scream when I do that?" His head whipped around.
"Captain. What the fuck was that?"
"It's called Apparition. It's a form of teleportation." He only nodded. She sighed. "Let's get Ussop, Sanji, and Nami the leave. They don't know we're pirates but I'm not taking any chances." He nodded as he stood up. Following after his captain.

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