Chapter ten - Impel Down and The Beginings Of A War

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Kei looked at Hancock like he grew another head. He wanted her to hide in his cape. Yeah. No thank you. "Umm... that's not really necessary." Before he could ask Kei's hand whipped out and her black cloak to appear in her hands. She then wrapped it around her and pulled up the hood. "See. You can hear me but not see. Nothing can see me and there is nothing to dull the enchantments on this cloak."

Kei sate next to Hancock on a marine ship. Kei closed her eyes. Waiting fir the ship to dock. Her hands clasped together. So tightly that her hands were turning white. Her emerald green eyes glowing brightly. But flickers of ruby red glowed in her eyes. Showing just bow mad she was getting. Her eyes looked to her outfit. She had a red strapless dress with a black corset over top of her dress on top of the corset was a red jacket that was just barely above her chest. The sleeves went down to just under to elbow. She had black leggings. Over top of that was no heal red combat boots.

Kei closed her eyes

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Kei closed her eyes. Her hand holding onto both her hat and Aces Vivire card. You must separate your self from Hancock for this. Very well. Kei looked over to Hancock. "When we get there and inside we must separate. I can't really do anything active with this one. And if I take it off around you. You will be caught."

Ace glared at Garp. Both where just talking about whitebeard. And. Somehow. The conversation had slide over to Kei. Garp sighed. "I wanted both you and Kei to be marines. But. Hopes be dammed you both turned out to be hoodlums. Notorious dangerous ones at that. I'm sure you head about what your sister has been up to. Those idiotic CP9 agents are extremely lucky that they didn't push her over the edge. That would have been a mess. It turns out that the brat already knew who her father was." Ace hung from his chains.
"Our fathers? To hell with them. And to hell with you. If you ever thought that we could be marines. We both got the blood of criminals running through our veins. That's the only gift those bastards ever gave us. And. Just images what coukd have happened to her if word got out on who. What she is. I'm mean. Come on. Kei is the mistress of death. She can not die. Just think on what that means. What coukd happen to her if word got out about that. She'd be screwed."

Kei closed her eyes. They were just pulling into impel down. A small spine crawling smirk appeared on Kei's face as she stood up and put her invisibility cloak on. She walked into impel down. Holy shit. Is this really necessary. Don't answer. Kei followed as she listened. She followed in right on the hills of Hancock. She stayed silent as she waited for them to open the doors.

Kei kept her cloak on. She pulled out her brothers card and began to walk. Following the direction it led to. When she reached stares she took of her cloak. She had kept walking until she heard steps. She instantly put her cloak back on. And kept running. When she was sure there where no more cameras she took of her cloak and continued. Hearing a scream. She ignored it. Her focus on finding her brother. She kept running. Ignoring the fact that traps where going off. She jumped and landed one the floor. She kept running until she heard a prisoner start talking to her. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. Buddy slow down a second."
"Kinda busy."
"I can see that but how the hack did you get out of your cell."
"I didn't. I broke in to rescue my idiotic brother. Bye. Just when she was about to walk away. They started arguing. Then an idea hit her. "Hang on." She her hands on the bars and leaned forward. Making sure her face was clear to them. Her emerald green eyes with speaks of ruby red in it. Make up on her eyes. Only on her eyes.

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