Chapter twelve - After the War, Ace & Shanks, and the return to Marineford

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Keiko opened her eyes. She felt two people leaning there heads on her. When she looked down she saw a red head and a jet black head. She only smiled. Knowing fully well who the two heads belonged two. She then heard shuffling and grumbling. Looking to the side. She saw the surgeon of death. Law. She simple waved and smiled at him. He froze when he noticed that she was awake. Kei simple reached down and put her left hand on her brothers head and her right on her father figures head. Both mean flinched and instantly looked up to her. Both males lunged at her. Hugging her in a tight bone crushing hug. She only laughed as Law all but kicked the out of the room. Resulting in both males crying and protesting in the process.

Kei awkwardly scratched her head. Full blown looking to her brother for help. Kei was terrible at talking to people unless she was trying to piss them off, in the middle of a battle, wanted them on her crew, or knew them. She then heard laughter. She turned on her heal to glare at her adopted father and his crew. "How the hell do you still struggle to talk to others!" Shanks said. Causing Keiko to blush slightly. Ace, Gin, Kuro, and Arlong barely tried to hide there laughter. Causing her to glare at them as well.
"You shut up. You jerk. The only people I've spoken to in my life where you guys, my crew, village, grandpa, relatives, and mountain bandits. Any ways. Do what you want. I don't care. You can follow me if you want or go off on your own. It's up to you and only you." Law and his crew had just left not to long ago. But. To her surprise they all agreed to follow her as there knew Captain. Keiko only silently cussed as they chose to start a banquet. She looked to the ocean. Going deep in thought.

Kei stared at the sea. Her hand going to her neck. "What you thinking of huh. Little birdie." Kei was about to retort back to Shanks. When she heard another face.
"Know know Shanks. Kei is ant so little any more. Your probably thinking the same thing I was going to tell you." Kei nodded. She stood up and thought for a second.
"Marco. Can you take Gin with you for about two years. Most of my crew is not yet ready for the New World. I am also extremely weakened at this point. I need about a year to re-heal and regain my strength. And maybe hone my ability's even more. Shanks. If it's not to much trouble can you take and do the same with Kuro." Keiko ignored the horrified look on Kuro's face at that. Only looking over to Arlong. "You can go back to Fishman Island to train."

Keiko only waved bye to those that where leaving. The only people who where left where her, Ace, Jimbei, and Rayleigh. "Alrighty then. Lets head back to marineford.

Keiko's arms where crossed. As she looked over to the male who was getting them into marineford. Her weapons where all put in there normal spots. Her eyes closed as she waited for them to pull into marineford. Ace reached over and grabbed her shoulder. Keiko only smiled at her brother. Who hugged her as a result. She hugged him back. Although. Her brother was a bite overprotective. Scratch that. Ace so had a sister complex. Though he denied it. Keiko walked up to the edge. Her brother standing next to her. Jumping onto her back. As Jimbei and Rayleigh defended them. They circled around the island once before docking. She, Ace, Jimbei, and Rayleigh then jumped of the ship Keiko and Ace continued one. Ace doing all the fighting due to Kei no longer having her wand. The two siblings walked up to the OX bell. She rung it a total of sixteen times. After doing so her brother helped her down. The two pulled out flowers and put them down the raven. Both turning to the crowed. Pulling of there hats. Waiting long enough for photos. Ignoring the marines behind her. While Ace glared at them. The two then left. Walking over to Rayleigh and Jimbei. The four then left. The base.  Now she was looking at a bounty poster. It was a picture of a pissed of her re wrapping her injured arm.

She slightly laughed at the picture

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She slightly laughed at the picture. It made her look like a fucking psychopath she slightly laughed at that. Keiko simple shook her head. Her brother was currently on the other side of the island as she closed her eyes. Wondering what her crew was up to.

Kuro glared at the man in front of him. Why was all he could think. Why did his captain have him train with this man who was clearly a drunken and was just the exact opposite of him. Wait. He just answered his own question. Realization hit him like a brick wall. "Finally figured out why Birdie sent you here?" It was Ben Backmen. Kuro had tick marks on his head as he spoke the first mate of Red Hair.
"Why do you call the Captain Birdie?" It was Lucky Roo who answered.
"Because when she was younger she would jump from roof to roof and she would look like a bird." He only nodded at that.
"Don't forget her little obsession with birds." It was Yassop who spoke.
"Do you by any chance have a son named Ussop?" Everyone groaned at that. Poor Kuro will know why soon.

Gin was dodging attack after attack from the commanders of previous whitebeard pirates. And. His butt was being beaten. He ground. This was going to be a very. Very long two years.

Arlong was a bit stiff when he reached home. He hadn't been there for years. Know he was going to spend two years home. Training and honing his skill. But somehow he ended up talking about his captain. Know he can't stop talking about her. She was so kind, brave, and amazing.

Chopper cried and just started rambling on and on.

Robin simple smiled at the paper as she ride in a carriage. Telling the person across from her that she'll be staying for about two years.

All Sanji did was say Roger that captain. Resulting in Iva a king word asking questions.

Ussop was running around. He wanted to leave. No. He needed to leave. Yes he called himself captain. But after meeting and following his captain he would not change it fir the world. When he saw the paper he instantly understood and broke down in tears.

Nami was trying to run away from the island. Until she saw the paper. Then she yearned to tides.

Franky was covered in dust as he stood up. All he said was I got ya boss. Then he turned around. Then the where screams.

Brook was whining when they insulted him about his bones. He was currently reading the news paper. Instantly understanding her orders.

Zoro layer on the floor. Wanting to scream and yell at the female. He then demanded the paper. It took him a long long while to understand but when he did. He wanted to hit his head on the floor over and over again. It was so simple. Keiko had no tattoos so it should have been obvious from the start.

Keiko's plan was moving smoothly. She had half of Whitebeards territories under her flag. She was a bit too late getting to the rest of them though. Shanks and Buggy where protecting her islands in her absence. She heard a crash then a scream from Ace and laughed. Rayleigh was trying to teach Ace hakki. And. Well it's safe to say that it's goin well. Keiko then closed her eyes. Walking to the closest stream and went to wash herself off. Finding her body littered in new scares.

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