The Champion Battle!/ Hall of Fame!

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You walked into the Final room and it was Fully white and Steril with Blue Lights Lightning the walls with Huge Bright white Lights, lighting up the room, and Standing right there was Blue!

Gary: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Uh, Hey! None of that Gary the Great Stuff or anything?

Gary: Nah, I Grew Past that. I also Know who are you Y/n-Sama

Y/n: You learned it from the spreading news didn't you?

Gary: No I was at The seafoam Island caves when I heard you explain it to Professor Ivy. To Be Honest that pretty Much Sobered me Up, I had finally decided to show my Pokemon Love and even evolved my Eevee as well.

Y/n: Dude Great For you Man! Also Besides One more of that Gary the Great Crap and I would have Thrown you into A Dumpster... Unconcious

Gary: Dude, I don't blame you. Let's Just say Let the best Man win

Y/n: Right, let's go!

Gary: Go Sandslash!

Y/n: Go Gyarados!

Gyarados: Yes, Now it's my Time to Shine!

Gary: let's go! Sandslash use Poison Sting!

Sandslash then spun around in A Ball and shot out A Bunch Of Glowing needles out of his Back which struck Gyrados but did nothing!

Gary: Now Sandslash use Fury cutter!

Sandslash's claws then glowed as he began to slash at Gyarados and at first the attacks did nothing but they slowly grew and Multiplied in Power!

Y/n: Gyaradose Dodge it and defeat him with Ice Fang!

Gyarados then coated his fangs in Ice and then bit down on Sandslash Freezing him in Place!

Y/n: Now Slam him into the Ground and use Aqua Tail!

Gyarados then slammed him down to the ground and Then coated his Tail in Water as he slammed it into Sandslash defeating it!

Gary: Hmph, That's one Pokemon down but I ain't down for the count!

Y/n: Me Neither Gary!

Gary: Go Alakazam!

Y/n: Go Gengar!

Gengar: Hehehehe! Time for the Great Gengar to defeat You! Booyah!!

Gary: Alakazam Use Pyschic!

Alakazam then used Psychic as Gengar resisted!

Gengar: Hehehehehe! That only tickled! Like A Tiny feather!

Gary: Huh!?

Y/n: I Trained Gengar to resist Psychic Type Moves!

Gary: Smart!

Y/n: Thanks! Now use Shadow Ball!


Gengar then Launched the Massive Shadow Ball towards Alakazam, and It Knocked it out Completely!

Gary: Great! Go Exeggutor!

Y/n: Go Charizard!

Gary: Exeggcutor use Psychic!

The Plant then threw Charizard into A Wall as he got out!

Charizard: I'm Okay!

Y/n: Now Charizard Use Fire Blast!

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