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"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." Lucas runs his finger along the page as he speaks, trying not to hear the beeping of the machines or the sound of Max's constantly labored breathing. In fact, he tries not to look up at all. So terrified of her pale complexion and sunken cheekbones that seeing her only brings him a sharp stabbing sensation in his chest. "Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hold, and that means comfort." He continues, clearing his throat as he glances up at her, and the clock on her bedside.

Visiting hours are nearly over, but with no word from Dustin about the others Lucas has no desire to go home. No desire to leave her. He can still feel how cold Max's skin was under his hands, the whiteness of her eyes and the blood on her cheeks. That all consuming terror, one he's never felt before even with the Demogorgon.

"Max." Lucas whispers, setting the book aside to reach out. His fingers graze her limp hand, nearly pulling back but the boy forces himself to push forward. He takes her cast covered hand with his, holding her fingers gently. "I don't know if you can hear me, but all the books I read said you might be able to. I want you to know I was telling the truth at the Cemetery, but I left some things out."

He shifts forward in the chair, knees nearly pressing against the bed. "I wasn't lying when I said I'm always here for you, I'm not leaving your side- never again. Back in that house I thought I lost you, and it was the most terrifying moment of my life. All I could think was everything I hadn't said, all the things we hadn't done together. The words I'd been waiting for the right moment to say..." Lucas sniffs, head hanging between his shoulders.

"I don't want to wait anymore." He can feel the tears wetting his cheeks now as he looks up, staring at Max's peaceful face. He's grateful they took that weird tube from her mouth yesterday, it makes her look... a little more normal.

"Max, in case anything happens. I want you to know..." he struggles with himself for a moment. "I- why is this so damn hard? You aren't even awake." He laughs. "Okay, Max I'm just gonna say it. I love you. Ever since you fought with the party- not even knowing most of us that well- I think i've loved you." His eyes water, the next laugh somewhat sad.

"I still remember watching you threaten Billy with that bat and all I could think about was how you were the coolest girl i'd ever met. That time apart from you these past few months have been the worst time of my life. I know I haven't been there very much lately and I'm sorry- but I promise. I promise. I'm not going anywhere ever again." By the end of his speech, Lucas' tears are flowing freely down his face and his visions blurred completely.

Suddenly, the room erupts inna series of fast beeps, Lucas' eyes tearing across the room to the monitor by the bed. He can't exactly read it but it doesn't look good. "Max?!" Lucas hops out of the chair, book hitting the floor with a loud bang as Max seems to struggle with breathing. "NURSE! I NEED A NURSE!" He screams, suddenly terrified that this is it. A repeat of the attic.

"SOMEONE HELP!" Lucas' throat feels raw from screaming, hands gripping both of her shoulders in a possibly painful hold. "Max please, please don't do this!" He presses closer, nearly leaning across the bed and wondering where the nurses are. Above the loud machines he hears a sound, almost like a wheeze and he pauses. Holding his breath his heart nearly erupts when Max's eyelashes twitch. He hears the wheeze again, watching her lips move and barely processing what he's seeing.

Her eyes blink open, icy blue orbs meeting Lucas' as her lips slowly form words too quiet for the boy to make them out. "What?" He asks, almost whispering as the machines calm around him. Max smiles, which looks more like a grimace, before speaking.

"You're holding me too tight." Lucas leaps back, a blush coloring his cheeks as he does so. At the same time, a Nurse enters to find Max awake and the room is instantly alive. Several people enter and leave, including a nice woman who promises to call her mom. By the time everyone's left, Max is laying back down nearly fallen asleep.

"Max... uh how do you feel?" he asks, eyes roaming over her face. He's glad to see that her eyes are back to normal, however the marks underneath them haven't faded. If anything, they just look like badass scars.

"Like I got ran over by a truck." She raps, throat still raw from the tube. Lucas stands and grabs the cup of water, helping to bring the straw to her lips. She takes a few drinks with a small thanks, clearing her throat slightly. "But... I think something woke me up."

"Like what? El?" Lucas asks, setting the cup back down and taking a seat beside the bed again. Max struggles to sit up, but Lucas knows better than to try and help the stubborn girl.

"No... not El." She shakes her head. "It... I remember hearing a scream and it sounded familiar. It was someone screaming for help but I don't... I can't..." she suddenly starts coughing, hard enough Lucas stands out of worry. Max raises a hand with a shake of her head, halting his approach.

"Careful, don't push yourself."

"I know." Her coughs calm. "I don't know who it was but they were scared... and in danger. I could feel-" she cuts herself off with a swallow, struggling. "So much fear and so much anger."

"Maybe El can look into your mind and figure it out when she gets back from California." Lucas shrugs. "Uhm... but while you were asleep did you hear anything else?" His cheeks feel suddenly hot.

"Lucas..." her face is red. "I- I heard a little." Lucas leans back, letting out a noise of irritation. "But I want you to know... I feel the same, and thank you for being there. I'm not going anywhere either." Lucas reaches out, fingers grazing Max's. When she doesn't flinch away, he fully wraps his fingers around hers.

"Good, because after this I'm never letting you out of my sight." The two laugh, until Max's turn to a cough again. "There's so much I need to catch you up on, you have no idea." Lucas laughs, about to launch into a story when the sound of static stops him.

"Lucas! Anyone come in! We have a code red! A CODE RED!"

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