New recruit

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Artemis was nervous. Like her hands were legit sweating and strangely enough so were the back of her knees. Today she was coming in to meet with the whole of the Avengers to see if they thought she'd be a good fit. Sort of like being voted onto the team and to be honest she doesn't know how they felt about adding a stranger, a mutant, from another 'super' team. The X-Men and the Avengers didn't exactly get along since one was headed privately through Professor Xavier and the other was, up until a few years ago, was some kind of secret government(s) entity. Charles answered to no one if he didn't feel like it while the others had to answer to the UN. Meaning their hands were tied with bureaucratic red tape and was envious that the mutant lead group could do what they wanted. If only that was really true.

Unbeknownst to the outside world the X-Men had both their hands and feet tied when it came to what the government would and wouldn't allow them to do. Obviously if they showed up and saved the day then they got a pat on the back. But if they failed... God forbid they actually failed. The mutant team would be vilified in the press and the court of public opinion. Being called dangerous and reckless monsters who needed to be locked up or put down. Monsters like the Crimson Sparrows. The outside world didn't know that for decades her kind had been hunted, experimented on to be studied or to make improvements to humans' own DNA. Or her personal favorite; just attempted to be completely eradicated. Blatantly in World War II and then again a couple more times in the sixties. Eventually the military and government scientists wanted them to join a top secret battalion in the seventies, but that didn't work out so well. Just ask Logan. Or better yet, don't.

Wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans Artemis glanced over at Storm who'd driven her to the Avengers Campus otherwise known as; the Compound. She chewed on the inside of her bottom lip before the floodgates opened. "I don't think I can do this. They're not gonna want me pushing my way onto their team. I mean they just went through a very public breakup before being forced back together. Stark has made himself very vocal about how much he hates this idea."

Reaching across the center console of the SUV the older woman smiled warmly as she placed a comforting hand on Artemis' bouncing knee. "You'll be fine. I have every confidence that you'll go in there and be the badass we all know you are." Nodding her head towards the glovebox she told her to open it. "Logan wanted to give you something. Told me I wasn't to tell you it came from him."

Curious, the younger woman opened the small compartment and took out a small unwrapped black velvet jewelry box. Opening it up Artemis' eyes welled up with tears at the finely wrought silver necklace with a delicate arrow. Pursing her lips to keep the tears at bay she carefully took it out of the box and clipped it around her neck. Touching the arrow with her fingertips she looked over at Storm. "Tell LoLo I said thank you."

Bursting out laughing, Storm's eyes crinkled a bit with her amusement. "Oh I'm going to and I'll be sure to use your nickname for him." Wiping away the moisture that had gathered she pulled Artemis into a hug. "You're going to do amazing things and make us all proud."

The pressure to be the first mutant born with their abilities to join the Avengers felt like Mount Kilimanjaro was resting on her shoulders. She was going to be under a microscope to prove whether or not they could really be useful or if they were all reckless beings that should be locked away. Anxiety spiking Artemis hugged Storm tighter, hoping that some of her former teacher and constant mentor's strength would transfer over to her. Just a little bit. Letting go both women get out of the SUV that was parked right out front of the Compound. The large shiny building was busy, but nobody paid them any real attention besides a passing interest of: why are you in my way?

Going around the back to grab out her suitcase and duffle bag Artemis' eyes caught on a man staring at them. He was very recognizable as the leader of the team she was to join. Steve Rogers, Captain America himself was standing there waiting for her in scuffed boots, dark jeans and a form fitting black Henley. Oh god, oh god, oh god! Trying to keep up a calm facade she hugged Storm one more time after she closed the trunk. Whispering softly for only her to hear, "I really don't know why Charles thought I'd be a good fit here. I'm just, well, me."

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