On my knees for you

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As fun as the shower was, it wasn't nearly as satisfying as Bucky had hoped it would be. But what can you expect when you had his and Steve’s six foot plus selves sandwiching Artemis’s smaller one between them in the tub available to them. There just wasn’t a lot of room to do much other than clean up. And barely even then were they able to do so. A smirk tugs at his mouth though when he remembers how they had her writhing as they finally gave her body the attention they’d neglected to fully give it in the bedroom. To be fair though they’d been a little preoccupied with every move she made and order she gave. So for now the box of condoms sat unused on the bathroom counter. And if a few managed to find their way into his and Steve’s pockets..

After their shower Artemis had gotten dressed in some cooler clothes she already had here rather than the clothes she’d packed for their nonexistent mission. Snug blue jean shorts molded to her tight ass, exposing those delicious thighs of hers that made him lose his mind and a tight white tank top that left little to the imagination in regards to her perfect breasts. Adding an unbuttoned men’s flannel that he was pretty sure had started out as Logan’s, the long sleeves rolled up to her elbows leaving her hands free. Finishing off her outfit Artemis slipped on a pair of black ankle high, low heeled hiking boots. Based on their location it seemed to Buck that she planned to make use of the surrounding woods sometime today in exchange for the gym they had back at the Compound.

Finished getting dressed they’d all gone downstairs to make breakfast instead of going into town like Steve had suggested when they woke up. First though, they’d had to clean up dinner from the night before that had been forgotten about when Artemis had had her little freak out. For which she apologized a dozen more times as she watched from the spot at the kitchen table they made her sit at while they did the cleaning. It was only fair since they’d drug her all the way out here against her will and had been the ones to set her off. At that reminder Artemis had sat back a little more easily. Happy to let them have their way this time. Although both men could see the urge to get up and help in those big doe eyes of hers. 

As they were eating bowls of oatmeal with a side of bacon and toast Steve again mentioned going to this lake she’d told him about. Artemis, who had been scooping a heaping spoonful of brown sugar into her bowl, tensed. Instantly on alert the second he watched as her whole body froze Bucky knew something was up. Acting as if everything was fine Artemis forced a smile on her face when she saw that Steve, who was completely unaware of her strange behavior, was waiting for her response. Affecting a playful teasing tone she’d batted those long lashes of hers as she told him, “Let’s play it by ear, Spangles. We’ve got all week to go exploring. Besides, I’m sure we can come up with other more fun ways to have fun.”

For the rest of breakfast Bucky had watched as Artemis put on a show for them, as if everything was okay. But he wasn’t fooled. Something was up with their girl and he would find out what. Sure enough. When Steve got up to clear away the dishes he watched as Artemis slipped out the back door when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Having an unobstructed view of the rear exit Bucky drained the last of his coffee as he watched her every move. Shrugging off the flannel Artemis tied it around her waist as she headed for the treeline where those trees Steve had been chopped down the day before. Wondering what she was up to he refilled his cup and followed after her.

Coming to a stop at the railing of the deck he gave her some space when he saw she had an ax in her hands. Sipping on his second cup of coffee as he watches her go to town on the partially demolished trees working out some kind of aggression or frustration as she methodically hacked off the branches. More than fine to wait, Buck would let her go ahead and do what she needed. Then once she lost some of the steam that had her going so hard. Then he’d get her to talk to him. For now Bucky was more than content to allow the fantasy of him upstairs in that bathroom with Artemis needing a second shower and him on his knees before her perfect naked body play out in his mind. Licking off the sweat trailing down her taut stomach mixed with the cool clean water until his mouth was buried between her thighs making her scream his name over and over as she clutched fistfuls of his hair to be able to stay upright. 

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