Dance with me?

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After spilling her guts to the women of the Avengers and one of their significant others, Artemis clammed up after swearing them all to the secrecy of girl code. Once she was certain that they wouldn't say anything, especially to Bucky or Steve, she downed what was left of her drink in one go and slumped back in her seat. Artemis could feel the warmth of her face that was still a bright red from both embarrassment and want. The more she had spoken about her dreams, the hotter she became. Having to clench her thighs together several times over the last thirty minutes to try and relieve the ach that settled between them. It didn't help that she had seen both men talking up on the balcony that was situated just behind where they all sat. The sight of Steve and Bucky, both so devastatingly handsome, had Artemis wishing that she could break her self imposed rule. But that rule would be what was best for everyone in the long run. Seeing as it had worked so far for her back at the mansion. After seeing the drama with Jean, Scott and Logan she didn't want that to affect anyone here.

When Charles had first approached her with the proposal to join the Avengers as the representative for the mutants she never thought for a second that this would ever be a problem she  would have. Who would really? This was to be a simple job where at most she would gain some new friends. Maybe even a few who would become like family. At no point in the months leading up to her transfer from the X-men to the Avengers did she think she would become so attracted to anyone, let alone two men at the same time. After that disastrous moment between Artemis and Bucky and then Steve in the archery training room where she'd showed off her powers, it dawned on her that she was so in over her head. For a minute Artemis almost threw in the towel and called Charles to have someone, anyone, come replace her. But talking to Tony after had helped a great deal to calm down. She reaffirmed to him and herself that she would focus on the reason why she was there and not let either the Captain or the Sergeant distract her. So that's what she'd done. Throwing herself into training with the others on the team to gain an idea of how well she would work with each of them and then as a group. In terms of that she felt like she was doing quite well indeed.

On the personal side, it was all good until it came to her romantic life. Spending all of her time bonding and training didn't exactly leave her much time to seek out a companion or two to get her mind off of the ones who shouldn't be living rent free in there. As it was tonight was the first time Artemis really let down her hair and yet here she sat thinking and talking about the two men she couldn't have. Friendship and partnership was the most she could offer them even if she saw the potential for more. The second thing that was holding her back was the fact that they were best friends, brothers. In no way was she comfortable trying to choose between them. Because how could she try to compare one to the other to see who she had the stronger connection with? Doing that was only asking for trouble and hurt feelings all around when she picked one over the other. In doing so it could create a rift. One that could not only break up the long time friends, but also make things tense with the rest of the team. So no, she wouldn't pursue either man no matter how much she wanted to.

Needing some space and to stretch out her legs Artemis left with the excuse of needing the restroom. Along the way she said her hello's to the agents she knew as well as giving Thor and Pietro hugs promising them each a dance later. Thankfully there was only a small line in the bathroom. Not minding the wait, she leaned back against the wall outside and just let the beat of the music playing thrum through her body. When it was her turn Artemis quickly did her business before washing her hands and checking her makeup and headed back out to the party. It was as she was coming back to the main area of the party room that she ran into Jean and Scott as well as Steve who had just wandered over to the couple. Stepping up next to them she smiled at the Captain while she hugged her friends and introduced them all. "Jean Grey, Scott Summers, this is Steve Rogers. Steve, these are my friends and briefly, former teachers otherwise known as Cyclops and well, Jean."

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