A torture so sweet

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Whipping around to face the two men responsible for this ambush Artemis glares daggers as she props her clenched fists on each hip to keep from throat punching them. "You didn't know what the mission was, huh? No idea where we were going? You're both liars!" Before either man could open their mouths to defend themselves she was ranting as she began pacing along the gravel walkway. "To think I was even thinking that giving you both more of a chance was a good idea. That maybe, I would stay here rather than leave after all. Then you had to go and pull this shit!"

Instantly jumping on the plan to leave that had slipped out as she raged at them Steve takes several steps closer to which she steps backwards. The sight of her pulling back had him come to a stop. Though that didn't ease his own anger when he said, "So you admit it. You were going to leave."

Throwing her hands in the air she yells back, "So what if I was? It's my life to do what I want with it." Annoyance of having his own words being thrown in his face had Steve crossing his arms over his chest as he works his jaw. Steaming full force ahead she adds, "Be that if I stayed in New York and fight to keep my place on the team or if I take off and never see your lying liar faces again!" A strangled scream of frustration leaves her as she shoves past Steve and Bucky who couldn't help the expressions of amusement at her childish name calling. Stalking angrily up the steps of the porch to the front door with her duffle bag slung over her chest. A growl of frustration leaves her mouth when Artemis has to turn back around and hold out her hand for the keys.

Mumbling under her breath when Steve hands them over about how she was going to get them back for this as she unlocks the door. Then with petty joy, slamming it in their faces as soon as she steps through the threshold. Stomping over to the narrow staircase that led up to the second floor she ignores the homey touches that she had added over the years to the sparse cabin on the way to her bedroom. "I can't believe this. How could they trick me like this? And Logan! That freaking mutton chopped traitor! Just wait until I get my hands on him. I swear to god..."

The sound of Steve and Bucky's rapid footsteps behind her spurred her to move faster down the short hallway and into one of the three doors up here. Being a two bedroom cabin with only one bathroom things were going to be interesting for the next week. Although at the moment Artemis couldn't find it in herself to care about their comfort during their stay in the small cabin. A sparkle in her eyes as she smirks thinking about one of them being forced to sleep on the lumpy hard couch downstairs. Serves them right for tricking her.

"Artemis, wait!" Steve calls out as he takes the stairs two at a time only making her rush that much quicker to her bedroom.

Just as her hand grasps the porcelain door knob with the pale pink rose painted on it that Logan had gotten just for her Bucky adds, "Just give us a chance to explain, Angel. Please."

Slamming the door to her room closed she locks it as she growls out. "Fuck off! The both of you." Breathing hard Artemis tosses her bag onto the neatly made double sized bed needing to expel this pent up rage at being tricked. It's not until there was a tapping at her window that she realizes that she forgot Killian outside. Hanging her head she goes over to push up the wide pane of glass for the annoyed bird. "Sorry, Kill. I didn't mean to forget you." She apologizes when he flies inside and over to his perch next to the white wrought iron bed. Ignoring her, he shifts around giving her his back.

Groaning, she sits on the edge of her bed, leaning over to rest her elbows on her knees and tries to remember the happy feelings that she'd felt just before Natasha abandoned them in the middle of nowhere Canada. That wasn't the name of the town they were in but it might as well be. With no neighbors for miles, the closest bit of civilization was a logging town that had, at last count, fifteen-hundred permanent residents in it. At most there was a gas station, a general store/pharmacy, a basic clinic, a diner, a bar attached to the logging truck stop and various little mom and pop shops. If they wanted anything extra or had to go to the hospital you would have to make a day trip to the closest city that was over five hours away. Logan liked his solitude and Artemis didn't mind the quiet either. Or at least she hadn't until she was trapped here for the next week with two people she didn't particularly want to look at right now.

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