When do we leave?

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They watched as Peter carefully set the bench with the students who were sitting on it back down where it belonged before excusing himself to join them

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They watched as Peter carefully set the bench with the students who were sitting on it back down where it belonged before excusing himself to join them. He'd looked a little startled when Charles had called for him. It was definitely understandable. It was a little unnerving the first few times the professor spoke mind to mind with you. It was like he was right there next to you but in actuality, could be nowhere nearby. Bounding across the lawn Peter launches himself from the bottom of the stairs to land in front of them in his signature crouch. He was showing off but that was okay. He was a full-blown hero in his own right and had every right to show off a little. Grinning excitedly at his new captivated audience he held out a hand for the older man to shake. "You must be Professor Xavier. I'm Peter." He grins at the white haired woman standing beside her. "And you're Storm. Artemis has told me all about you."

Amused by his reaction Storm greeted Peter before introducing the other woman with them. As always he was curious about what Cassiel could do. After learning from Artemis about her own powers and now seeing for himself the other kids here at the school's powers, he wanted to know if the daughter of the leader of the X-Men was just as powerful as her father and his friend. To be honest Artemis was frankly shocked that it took him as long as it did before asking what he desperately wanted to know. "I don't know if it'd be rude to ask, but what are your powers?"

"How about I show you." Always the show off, in a good way, Cassiel smiled at the younger man. Shrugging off her jacket Cass turned around for them all to see a peek of the silver tattoo-like markings that Artemis knew covered her from neck to ankle. The lines of her markings began to slowly move under her creamy pale skin that was exposed by her white tank top. Before their very eyes the silver markings became huge white wings. If you looked closely you could ever so slightly see a shine of the lightweight metal that coated the tip of each feather.

With a gentle flex Cassiel carefully, so as to not knock anything or anyone over, spread out the nearly twelve feet span and nodded for Peter to go ahead and touch them if he wanted. Who wouldn't Artemis thought to herself as the young man gently dragged his fingertips over the soft silk-like feathers. When he got his fill of touching them Cass launched herself up into the air with a burst of wind that fluttered their hair back in the breeze her wings made. Showing off, she flies high and performs a few dives and barrel rolls before landing daintily back on the patio. Folding her wings away back into her body she laughs a little at Peter's shocked expression. Awed as ever by her friend's ability Artemis smiles at her before leaving Peter in their company to head up to her old room to pack.

Waving hello to and being occasionally stopped by those who'd missed her, Artemis finally reached her shared room. A wave of nostalgia washed over her as she knocked softly as a warning even though she knew Kitty wasn't here. It was a habit. Casting her gaze around the largest of the rooms for the team members. Split down the middle each half decorated to each woman's preference she glances over at her bed and smiles. There, curled up in the middle of it, was Silas. Making her way over Artemis was careful not to startle him awake. While sort of domesticated Silas was still a wild animal at heart. Carefully sitting on the edge of her bed she strokes a hand down his soft thick red and black fur. "Si, wake up. Come on, sleepy head."

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