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I hope you liked chapter 4 as much as I did, I seriously went so depressed at the end of the chapter, omg. Okay, this chapter is dedicated to @harrygal because I love her so much ♥

*Read the A/N at the end of the chapter, please ♥*

"AVERY, JUST GET OUT OF THE VAN!" Harry yelled tugging my arm, I didn't want to go back there, I wanted to stay on the ground with my dad. Oh, dad, why did you have to die?! I couldn't even say goodbye! "HARRY, GET OFF ME!" I screamed trying to get out of his hold, but he was stronger than me -a lot. I made my best to stay inside the van, there were more screams and tugs before Harry's hold gave up, I opened my eyes, red, swollen and itchy for all the crying, and saw Harry covering his face with his hands, "Avery, just get out of the van." he softly said. "No fucking way!", he let out a heavy sigh before speaking again "GUYS, CAN YOU HELP ME OVER HERE?" I heard, I then witnessed four boys walking towards us "what's the problem?" Liam asked. "She doesn't want to get out of the van" Harry mumbled, "Avery, sweety, please, we won't hurt you" Liam said slowly and peacefully, offering me his hand, which I slapped. "I won't waste my time in this" I heard Louis whisper "Harry and Niall, grab her arms, Liam and Zayn, grab her legs and get her inside the fucking basement!" He swiftly ordered, they nodded before catching hold of me quickly, carrying me inside the house. "LET ME DOWN, LET ME DOWN" I cried with my eyes closed, fear taking full control over me, I was now more scared than before, because I know they won't let me go. They let me go and I felt myself falling into a leather material, the couch. I opened my eyes, they were looking at me with serious expressions. "Avery." Louis stated "would you calm the fuck down?" he then asked. I started crying again, the image of my dad all alone on the ground and bleeding crossing my mind. I covered my face as sobs scaped from my lips. "WHY DID YOU SHOT HIM, HARRY?" I started, facing him "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?!? WHY?", "We... we wanted to stay with you... and..." he started, confused as hell. "BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL MY FUCKING DAD!, IS MY FUCKING DAD WE'RE TALKING ABOUT, NOT SOME USELESS ROCK. HE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE BEEN WAITING TO HEAR THAT? HE FINALLY TOLD ME I MEANT SOMETHING TO HIM. AND, BOOM!, YOU KILL HIM WITH YOUR FUCKING GUN" I yell as I feel pain growing in my chest, suddenly, is hard to breath, adrenaline is rushing through my veins and I feel the need to punch someone. That someone is Harry, I try to hold the urge since I know he's stronger than me. "Wow, your dad never told you he loved you? wow, he must be useless" Harry said, a crooked smile forming in his lips as he cocked his head to the side, I can't hold it anymore. I stand up and throw a punch at him. Yay! Right in the nose! He falls down and I take the chance to get on top of him, throwing punches everywhere. "YOU ARE A FUCKING BASTARD DON'T YOU DARE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS ABOUT MY DAD OR I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!" I yell as I punch him over and over again, he tries to get out of my grasp but suddenly I became stronger, the adrenaline growing at every punch, "AVERY! STOP!" I hear Zayn and Liam yell trying to catch me, but I am so strong right now. I feel eight hands hold my waist, pulling me away from Harry and I throw kicks at the air while I'm screaming in desperation. "AVERY, CALM DOWN!" Liam screams, they throw me into the couch as Louis and Niall ran towards Harry, making sure he is okay, I try to stand up but Liam tugged on my shoulders, pinning me to the leather couch.

I'm breathing heavily as I hear Harry moaning in pain, "that's it!" Harry screams tugging on my arm before carrying me bridal style upstairs. He opens a door and I realize is his room. He throws me at his bed and turns around, closing the door shut and locking it. He then turned around to face me, anger could be seen in his eyes. My fear grows wider "wha..." I couldn't finish when I felt his lips crashing into mine, I opened my eyes in shock. Was this world crazy? Is this Criminal-Kiss-Avery day?


I closed my eyes shut, not wanting to give in, but I failed. He then moved to my neck, placing butterfly kisses and sucking slightly on my skin, this will leave a hickey, I know it. I feel his hands caressing my waist, sliding his hands under my shirt, stroking the bare skin of my stomach, he moved his hands upwards my breasts, touching them, I suddenly froze. "No, Harry..." I whispered pulling away, he remained silent for a couple seconds before kissing me fiercely again. "No..." I said again, shaking my head, I thought he would just be okay with it, but suddenly, he grabbed my wrists and pinned me onto the bed, his large hand holding both of my wrists while his other hand moved down my waist. "Harry, what are you doing?" I said, "Ain't it obvious? I'm gonna fuck you." He groaned, I froze. Was he serious? "No, Harry" I yelled as I throw kicks at the air, trying to get  my wirsts out of his hold. He clapped his hand on my mouth "would just shut the fuck up?" his husky voice sendind bad chills down my spine, he kissed my mouth, and then my neck "No! Harry! stop, please, I beg you!" I said, feeling tears forming in the corner of my eyes. "You'll love it, shut up" "No... Please, seriously" "You punched me, this is your punishment, okay?" he said, his hot breath heating my neck "no, Harry, I- I'm sorry, let me go" I beg, tears rolling down my cheeks. He doesn't say anything, he just starts to unbotton my pants "Harry" I cry, sobs scaping from my lips, "just shut up, okay?", "Let me go!" I yell in desperation, sobbing loudly, he kissed me fiercely, I shook my head breaking the kiss. "Feisty aren't we?" he said, showing a cocky smirk "Nasty ugly bitches, aren't we?" I said, he laughed "Oh, babe, you just made this harder on yourself" he warned. He kissed my neck and I did everything to shake it off, but I failed, he laughed at my useless effort. "SOMEONE HELP ME" I yell "ZAYN!" "LIAM!" I call, then I feel a sharping pain on my left cheek, Harry just slapped me? "SHUT UP YOU NASTY BITCH" he yellped. I was taken aback with his suddenly reaction, but that didn't stop me from screaming, "LOUIS!" I called, he kissed me and with his free hand held my now red cheek so I wouldn't move. I bit his tongue, hard, he pullled away. "WHAT THE FUCK?" He yelled, I took my opportunity and ran towards the door, but he caught hold of my wrists. He tugged it, making me fall into him, he rolled us over so now he was on top of me. I kneeled him in his lower area, he let out a yelp in pain and I thought he'd moved, but the didn't, instead he slapped me, harder this time. I fell onto the bed, caressing my cheek as tears rolled down. He got up of the bed, taking advantage of my weak state, and walked to his closet, he came back and took both of my wrists with one hand, the other one was holding a rope. He tied my hands and I cried even harder. "Try to scape now".

"Harry don't do this, I'm sure you don't want to", "oh, but I do, babe." His husky voice spoke, punched me in the stomach without any reason and then I just gave in, I was so drown in emotional and physical pain to even care what happened around me. He smirked when he realized I didn't do anything more than cry, and kissed me fully in the lips, this time sweeter. He grabbed my jeans and slowly slid them down, "fuck you're so hot" he whispered into my ear, I closed my eyes, and then it hit me, my dad would hate to see me in such a weak state, I can not give up, not now. I have to fight, for my dad, for me. I raised my leg and kicked his stomach, he fell to the ground moaning in pain, he clutched his stomach as I untied my hands with my teeth, thank God my teeths are strong enough. I ran towards him, kicking him in the stomach "see how it fucking feels?" I yelled as he winced in pain, I was going to walk out of the horrible scene when he grabbed me by my ankle. I fell and now he was on top of me, kicking me, slapping me, punching me. "See how it feels, bitch?!" He laughed, "you're not even worth it." he hissed before storming out of the room. A huge feel of emptiness waved through my chest non-stop. I curled myself up, my knees in front of my chest while I cried with all my force, just thinking about what happened made me feel useless. "You're not even worth it" Harry's words ran through my mind like those kids run when they're at the park, non-stop. Maybe he was right... my dad died because of me, and the effort he did wasn't even worth it because of my weakness I'm back here again. My dad was the one who deserved to stay alive, not me. Not my weak self.


A/N: SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW, I DO NOT HATE HARRY NOR I THINK HE IS THIS WAY. But, hey, a writer writes what she gotta write. Let me know what you think in the comments, and please, PLEASE, don't forget to vote to see chapter 6! Love you!!



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